Chapter 11.

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„What the fuck Is Happening?", I asked the blonde Woman behind me. She held her Tablet right and looked around.

„I don't know", she answered screaming. I sighed loudly and licked one of the Guys so that he fell on his butt.

A woman with a mask was infront of me. She had the same clothes as Supergirl. I looked at her and she looked at me.

„Y/n?", she asked and my eyes widened shocked. How does she know my name? Or... is it really MY name?

She took her mask from her face and her eyes were so soft. My mouth opened. Nobody has yet looked at me the way she did.

She held her hand out and a little smile spread on her face „Come with me, y/n", she said and I looked at her hand. After that my eyes looked up to her eyes.

„I... I can't", I answered. Her smile fell and her eyes narrowed slightly „why not?", she asked. Everyone was fighting and we? We were talking like nothing happened.

„I'm not from this Earth", I explained and Supergirl smiled „me neither", she answered. Her suit was black and she attacked a wedding.

„I don't like bad people", I said and Supergirl came into my personal space. She grinned cocky „are you sure about that?", she asked and I laughed a little.

„Y/n", I Heard someone say loudly and looked at the direction. A Arrow was flying Right into my Direction. The Evil Supergirl took the arrow and held it. My eyes widen.

The arrow was nearly touching me. I gasped shocked and my Legs were shaking like crazy. Supergirl tightened her jaw and looked at the Arrow with a mask.

„What the fuck were you thinking?", she asked angry and the Evil Arrow looked at his teammate „we have a mission", he said like a Roboter.

I felt Hands on my wrist and I was pushed. My legs were still shaking and my heartbeat pounded loudly in my Ear.

I almost died...

I looked at Supergirl. MY Supergirl. She looked at me worried „Are you okay? Did something happen to you?", she asked and I shook my head. I was speechless.

The Evil supergirl looked at the good Supergirl „There you are", she said and she wears her mask. Supergirl looked at her lookalike and began to fly right away.

Felicity was the next person who took my Wrist „first Time nearly dying?", she asked jokingly and I nodded my head „you get used to it", she said and I blinked.

I couldn't say a word. But to be a little useful I fought with one of the Black suites man and Woman. Sara and Alex were fighting too. Nearly everyone was fighting.

Like I said. Barry and Oliver were Superheroes. Oliver was like the Evil Arrow. And Barry was like a lightning but he was called the Flash.

Caitlyn had powers too. Her hair went all white and her eyes was shining a beautiful cold White. She had Cold powers and took out most of the Man.

Arrow was fighting with arrow. Supergirl was fighting with Supergirl. And I couldn't see Kara. There could be only 2 explanations for this.

1. she was fighting with Supergirl.
2. she listened to me and escaped.
Or even 3. she was hiding somewhere.

„Retreat", said the black Arrow and every soldier of him throw something. My eyes were burning and a sharp light was erupting everywhere.

„Guys?... they Took Supergirl", I Heard Diggle say and my breath hitches. No... please, Kara, Please. Don't. Be. Supergirl.

I looked around. Everyone was standing here but Kara. My heartbeat increased scared. Alex noticed my Mood.

„I took her back to our Earth... Kara is safe... trust me", she said but she didn't even convinced herself. I gulped and everyone was looking at me.

„She doesn't know it?", asked Killer frost, Aka. Caitlyns Second personality. Alex looked at her and she shouted her mouth.

I was tense. I looked up and my Jaw thightened. I heard how Iris was saying something about that her wedding was ruined.

Is she serious now?
Supergirl could be in Danger!
Fuck the Wedding!

„Has somebody a plan?", I asked and everyone was thinking. Oliver crossed his arms infront of his Chest. Wow... if I would like men he would be definitely be my Type.

„Why would they take Supergirl?", asked Sara and everyone was thinking the same. We had no clue.

„Maybe because she's multiple times Stronger than you all?", I asked and Oliver narrowed his brow. He felt insecure about this fact.

I sighed. Felicity looked at me „what about you? The Black Supergirl talked like she knew you", said felicity and I nodded my head.

„I know... maybe she knew someone like me... when there are multiple earths and a Doppelganger of Oliver and Supergirl came... there could be a chance that we all have one or more doppelganger", I explained and everyone looked at me.

„What?", I asked and frowned.

„We know that already. We're much longer in this business than you", said Iris and my Jaw thightened. Oh wow... she stopped complaining.

„Okay, okay, okay. The point is that y/n could find out were they took Supergirl and why. She has a connection with black Supergirl", said Felicity and Caitlyn nodded understandingly.

But Alex shook her head „oh hell no. Kara would kill me if she finds out that I send her girlfriend right into the arms of the Villains", said Alex and everyone raised a brow.

Barry on the other hand looked straight into nothing „Ha", he said. Sara looked at me and grinned „so you're gay?", she asked and Alex looked at her.

„Like I said. The girlfriend of Kara will not take such a risk", said Alex and crossed her arms defensible. I smiled a little.

„It's okay. I will do it. Central city and our Earth needs supergirl. We need her, Alex", I said and Alex gulped. She looked at me.

„So... how can I contact her?", I asked.

„When she has the Same ability's like Supergirl you can shout out her name and she will hear you", explained Catlyn. Her hair was Brown again.

I nodded my head „how will I contact you guys if she takes me with her?", I asked. Felicity gave me an Earpiece and  had a tracking device in her hand.

I blinked surprised. Where did she had that? Is she taking all this everytime she is invited to a wedding?

„So. you can start now. We can hear the Conversation so you don't have to talk directly at us. And the transmitter is so that we can track you down or know where you last were", explained Felicity like a nerd. That was cute.

I don't know why. But i liked nerds. It could be boring hearing all this stuff that I had no understanding with but it was cute.

„Y/n. It could be very dangerous", Alex said concerned. I smiled „if something happens... tell Kara that I love her... even when it is too early to say that", I said a little laughing.

„We all Know that you have a Crush on Supergirl too", said Alex and I looked at her shocked. I blinked laughing.

„I can't hide something from you. Yes. I have a tiny Crush on Supergirl but I have Kara... and Kara is the person that I Love"

(Kara/You) My Girl (in English)Where stories live. Discover now