chapter five

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"What makes you think that?" I ask self-consciously.

"Because you're my brother and I know you like the back of my hand. Speaking of which, why aren't you out there chatting with that little crush of yours?"

"It's complicated. It's not like we're a couple or anything. At least I don't think so but–"

"Yep, okay you can spare me the details. Go enjoy yourself out there and relax a bit," he cuts me off before I can tell him anything more about my rollercoaster of a love life.

"This is so embarrassing," I groan. "Goodbye, Hector."

"Bye-bye, lover boy," he makes kissing sounds as I hang the phone. I slide my phone into my pocket, shaking my head. Hector always finds a way to ooze the truth out of me, but I guess that's just part of the charm of the crown prince. I inch my way down the stairs, trying to drag it out as long as possible before I have to face real people. However, when I reach the bottom step, I am ambushed by Juliano who pulls me outside. 

"We're taking pictures," he tells me. Cameras are being flashed in my face like I'm some sort of prized possession that needs to be photographed. Juliano wraps his right arm around mine and grins widely. I copy him and arch my lips in a lemon shape. Dozens of clicks later, he finally releases me from his grasp and I escape. I'm not looking forward to dinner because I'll have to interact with Juliano's parents, who are somehow even worse than him. When it comes to where to sit, I have a decision to make. I could either go to Juliano's table and endure the tedious conversations, or I could go to the table with Sander, Nova, and Aurora who all seem eager to be in my presence. If it isn't obvious enough, I opt for the latter. 

"Nicolas!" Aurora chirps. "It's nice of you to come to join us. We were just talking about you. Good things I promise."

"Oh, well it's my pleasure. It's wonderful to meet you uh–"

"Isadora. I must say you have gotten much more handsome since the last time I saw you, when you were still in your diaper," Aurora's mother smiles.

"Aha, thanks I guess," I let out a nervous laugh.

"So, you haven't met my mom either. This is Leslie. Mom, this is Nicolas," Sander chimes in. 

"Nicolas, I'm so glad to finally have met you. My son is very lucky to have found such a benign friend. Sander always comes home singing and boasting about how good his day was. I've never seen him in such good moods before."

"Stop it, mom," Sander shushes her, but his face is already turning red.

"Well, it's true," Nova affirms. "You're always on his mind." She's about to go on when a wrist flicks the air, causing a croissant to bounce off her cheek and plop into her chocolate milk.

"That was so uncalled for, bro!" She huffs and pretends to be upset, but a grin creeps up her lips. Nova playfully juts an elbow at Sander who bursts into laughter. Like dominoes, we all start laughing until our neighbouring table shoots us stern stares. 

"Okay, okay. I've been wanting to ask you Nicolas if you still skate," Isadora says once we've calmed down.

"Not much anymore," I admit. "I'm on the soccer team now so it's consuming most of my time."

"Ah, I see. Nova here ice skates almost every day. She wants to be on the Olympic team one day, although that's almost impossible," Leslie adds.

"Yep, but at least I have a goal in mind. Speaking of which, can I please get new skates mom?"

"Yours should be perfectly fine, sweetie. Why do you need new ones?"

"Because they're not even mine! Mine were destroyed ages ago so Aurora has been ever so generous to let me borrow hers."

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