chapter ten

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I snatch the first thing I see, which just so happens to be eggs benedict, my least favorite way eggs are styled. I once read in an article that they can be contaminated with salmonella bacteria, and ever since then, my perception of breakfast foods has been hindered. It's a shame, because breakfast is supposedly the most important meal of the day. I'm tempted to try and scout for something better to eat, but the buffet is closing, and I don't want to cause a scene. So, I nimble on the bread, taste-testing it first before diving in.

I find Cyrus waiting for me in front of my door when I walk back, and he gives me a little wave.

"Want to walk with me down to the library? There, we can discuss and work out a solution for this misfortunate situation," he states.

"Alright," I agree. "How's everything been going with you lately?" I decide that it's less awkward to talk while we're walking down the hallway together, rather than being in complete silence.

"Fine," he shrugs. "Nothing out of the ordinary has happened to me these past few weeks. Classes, homework, parties, repeat, you know the vibe?"

"Yeah. I suppose what I meant to ask was... do you have any plans for the holidays?"

"Um, actually, I do. Normally, my brother and I would go skiing all winter long, but since he's in college now, he thinks he's too cool to hang out with his little brother. Therefore, I'm going to Paris with my parents."

"Paris? Wow."

"I know, right? It was kind of a spontaneous decision on their part, but I'm pumped. I was actually thinking of bringing a friend with me since they'll be attending some conferences, so you're welcome to tag along. No worries if you already have plans." I must say that I was not at all expecting Cyrus to invite me to travel with him, but I can't say I'm not thrilled at the idea of visiting a new country with a relatively new friend. Winter break is all about new experiences, and what better opportunity could I possibly have to visit the city of romance?

"I'll have to confer about this with my family, but I'll think about it."

"Take your time. Just let me know before we board the plane," he laughs.

"Will do," I confirm, right as we enter the library doors. All of us gather around by the table, with Marvin leading the conversation.

"Alright, so what are we going to do? Has anyone come up with something? If not, then I suggest we take the easiest route out by pointing the finger at Sander." He's really pushing my buttons right now, and intentionally or not, I know I have to divert this downhill train of thought he has.

"Actually, I have a better idea. We'll just let Peyton fall," I chirp up. The others look at me with incredulous eyes, but I can tell their gears are rolling, taking in my suggestion.

"No, no, no," Juliano shakes his head firmly. "We can't do that; he's part of the Force. We swore to protect both the royal family, and each other."

"Exactly, there goes my point. As we saw earlier, Peyton never had the best intentions for us. He'd do anything to stay here at Bayshore, including throwing us to the wolves. This just proves that he's only looking out for himself, and himself only," I argue.

"You can't say that. If you were put into his shoes, I can't imagine you'd be any different," Juliano rebuts, but his voice falters, diminishing the lack of confidence he once had.

"Besides," I continue. "You're not in charge here; we're a democracy. And soon enough, you'll be kicked out if you don't pay up for the next semester. Do you want the entire school to know that you're dirt-poor?" He gasps loudly at my last two sentences, and the whole room falls into an unbearable silence. I probably shouldn't have said that out loud, but I also have a tendency to not always think before I speak, or act, for that matter. Blackmailing him isn't my proudest moment, but it's the only way I can see him keeping his mouth shut about Sander.

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