Tom, Tom. Come here Tom. AHHH, I hollered. "No, no. Please no." I mumbled. "TOM! Son are you okay?! Are you hurt? Why'd ya scream?" "I-I, I had a nightmare." "Want to tell me what it was about?" Ha as if. I shook my head no. "Okay then, I'll see you later son."
He really thought I would tell him.
I mean I get that he saved me from drowning and all but still. He broke my moms heart.
I wonder what that thing is. I kept thinking about it and the more I thought the more it made sense...... well kind of.
I ran into the library thingy. I looked through the books until I found the one I needed. "Aha! History of Moreclare!" I looked until I found the page. Hm. This town is most famous for its fish and legend, the legend of the sirens. It says the sirens lure fishermen out with their beautiful voices. So they're basically mermaids? Eh.
I wonder if that is what happened to me. I mean I did hear singing, and when we first went fishing I thought I saw someone. And those men were talking about finding her. What if one of the townspeople were sirens? I mean it would make sense. What am I talking about? None of this makes sense! I mean mermaids no excuse me, sirens! I really have lost my mind. But what if, just what if, it were true? And who would it be? Maybe it was Ashley, I mean she was talking about a queen and said something about living really close to the lake.
The more I thought about it, the more I got curious.
I decided to go ask Cody what he thinks.
I snuck out of the window. Since my room was right near the kitchen, ugh the smell of fish strong as day. As I was saying it was quite easy to sneak out. I was strolling to the 'Wonder Tree' yeah I named it. When I was almost close to the woods I saw Ashley crying on the dock. As the great friend I am, I decided to go and check on her to make sure she was okay.
"Hey Ashley. Are you okay?" Ashley gasped when she heard my voice. "Ah uh its a-all g-good. I-I just, I," she took a deep breath " I did a bad, horrible, thing." I was surprised by her response. How could such a sweet, selfless girl do a horrible thing? "I'm sure it can't be that bad." I tried to assure her. " No! No, you don't understand!" "C'mon Ashley talk to me" I slowly started to walk towards her. "No, it was horrible I should be threw in jail and never come out" By this time I was sitting there hugging her and stroking her back. "It's okay I'm here. Just tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it." She backed up away from me. "No, no you can't and I can't take back what I did." "JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU DID!" I screamed. "I KILLED SOMEONE! Okay, I killed someone."
I gasped. Wait, did she really just say she just killed someone?
"Go ahead, call me a monster. Call me what I am!" I looked her in the eyes. "Are" I took a deep breath, "are you a siren?"
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted recently. I really lost my motivation but now that schools out I will have some more time to write it! I hope you liked it and don't forget to vote, comment and obviously like :)

The girl by the lake
FantasíaThomas (Tom for short) moves to a lake house with his dad because of his mothers death. Tom meets a girl named Ashley and instantly falls in love. But what Tom doesn't know is that she has a dark secret waiting to be shared. Will Tom be able to wi...