Chapter 10: Fishing...... Again

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So turns out that my dad thought we should go fishing again so I can practice. We pulled up to the lake and instead of going out onto the boat we just stayed on the shore. Thank god.

  So we found a spot on the shore. I'm going to spare you of the most awkward conversation in the history of awkward conversations so here's what he basically said and did. He got me going with a bobber then told me to sit there. What am I, a dog?!???

So yeah, here I am just sitting here. Ahhhh ooooo ahhh hwaaaaa. The most beautiful noise I've ever heard comes calling me towards the water. Ahhhhhhh oooooo ahhhhhhhh hwoooo hwaaaaaa. It sounds like angels are singing. I walked towards the sound and enter the water. Tommmm, come hereeeeee. "Mom? MOM?" I screamed full sprinting into the water. "TOM! Come here!" Dad called. But I wouldn't stop, I couldn't stop. I needed to get to her. My mom, my life. As I'm about to dive in my dad grabs me and starts swimming to the shore. "What the heck was that for?! Tryin' to get yourself killed?! What would've happened if I wasn't here? I can't believe what you just did." He keeps ranting but at this point I think he's just doing it to himself.

I sit on the rocky sand processing what I almost just did. I almost killed myself. Why did I do it? I know! It's because I heard my mom call my name! But wait, my mom's dead. How? How could I hear her speaking to me? It was like we were actually having a conversation! I guess it was just me. I mean, I knew I miss my mom but I didn't know I missed her to the point that I almost killed myself.

Dad grabbed my arm and started marching to the truck. We sat in silence for the rest of the ride still wondering why I did what I did . When we got to the house I was still wishing I knew what just happened. I went to bed and turned out the lights.

Jake's POV

I was looking out onto the lake admiring its beauty when I saw Tom wading into the water. I kept looking at him to see what he was doing when he started saying something. I couldn't hear him at first but then he started yelling "mom", and started to get rib deep. I began to get scared and so like any good father I started yelling at him. It was like he was in a trance. He was now almost shoulder deep and I got scared. I already lost Sandra I can't lose him too. I launched into a dead sprint. I reached him just in time as he was about to dive into the water. I dragged him onto the shore

"What the heck was that all about?" I began. I honestly had no idea what I was saying. All I could think of was why he would do that? I mean was I like not a good parent or something? I'm trying to be a good one! Toms face looked like he had seen a ghost. That's what it looked like the whole way back to the house.

Hey new POV. How do you like it? Do you peeps have any guesses on what happened and why Tom did that? Well I hoped you liked the story and don't forget to vote, comment and obviously like :) <3

Okay just wanted to say that I am feeling very poorly in this book. So I will continue to write it if I get at least 3 votes on the next few chapters. Sorry if this is an inconvenience but I really have no thoughts on what to write. So if you like and want to keep reading this story give this chapter or the ones before or after this 3 votes and I promise to keep writing.

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