Chapter 14: When does school end?!

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Right now I'm walking up the steps and dreading every step I take. I mean did we have to go to school today? If it were any day next week that would be deeply appreciated. I was met my Myles, my friend, and he was telling me about how his parents bought him a pet gecko. It was pretty boring.

Myles is the type of person who does a lot of things that seems fun, but is actually boring. Now don't get me wrong I'm excited that I have a guy friend in this place but he can be unbearable sometimes.

We began to walk into our homeroom. We talked about a more advanced water cycle . I already learned about it so I didn't really pay attention.

I was daydreaming when my teacher, Mr.Pekan, came in front of my desk. "Tom, true or false, this water in this cup has only  been here for thousands of years." I knew it was a trick question. It had been here for millions of years, not only for thousands. "False. It has been here for millions upon millions of years." My teacher stood there stunned. "Correct. Well now class let's move on to how they lived and where." I didn't pay attention because I already learned this.

After class me and Myles met up. I avoided Ashley in the halls the best that I could. At lunch time I think Ashley got the idea and went to another table, the table where all the popular kids are.

I'm pretty sure that Myles knows that I am avoiding Ashley. "Okay that's it, why are you and Ashley avoiding each other?" He all of a sudden started. "What do you mean? We're not avoiding each other, just simply taking a break from each other's presence." I replied back. "Dude, that's literally the same thing. I'm not stupid. So come on and tell me what's going on. Did she like do something to you?" More like what she didn't do. I mumbled under my breath so he wouldn't hear. "Dude just tell me what she did so we can fix it." I may be staying away from her and may be mad at her but no way am I going to tell him that she's a siren. That's just low.

But before I could answer my saving grace, the bell rang and we headed off into class.

As always I spaced out during every class. I really should consider skipping a grade since I already learned what all of this is supposed to 'teach me'. But there is just one problem with that, who's going to be Myles' friend? The kid has no social skills whatsoever..... like none.

Right as I am about to head onto the bus Ashley stops me. "Okay shows over why are you mad at me?" I have one question..... what?! Does she really not know why I'm mad at her? Like jeez lady get with the program. "Are you joking me? You seriously don't know what's wrong when it happened not even 24 hours ago?" "What are you talking about? Hmm? I did nothing wrong so I need an explanation about why you're treating me this way." This girl really is stupid. "I'm treating you this way because you almost let me get killed! And you know in my book and basically everyone else's that means 'no friend' or 'friend but no'." "You're still caught up in that? What was I supposed to do? "Ummm I don't know..... save me!" I shouted back at her. "Let's say I did save you, I wouldn't be here and would be at a trial for treason. So there was really nothing I could do." She reasoned. "Well Ashely as much as I love our little death conversations I must be going or else I'm going to miss the bus. Bye." And with that I left.

Girls can be so complicated.

Okay well I guess I owe you an apology. I had serious writers block on this. Well that's all. I hope you like this and don't forget to vote, comment and obviously like :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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