Chapter 6: Fishing

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I woke up to the smell of sizzling bacon. I shot straight up into the air when I smelt something else. It wasn't good smelling. I smelt it again. Ewwwwwww!!! Fish!!!!! I HATE fish.

I walk into the kitchen and see my dad. "Hey kiddo. Want some fish?" Ugh. If you haven't noticed, I do NOT like my dad. He wasn't there when I was growing up. He wasn't there when my mom got sick. He just wasn't there! And now he has the audacity to come and offer me some............. fish?!?! Yeah I get that he might be trying, but if you were in my shoes, you would hate him too.

"No I'll just have some bacon." I replied with boredom in my tone. "Oh uh okay. Here ya go." "Okay thanks." "Hey um kiddo I was thinking that we should go fishing. You know? Just like father and son. That's what my father and me did." "Wait, did you say fishing!! As in with actual fish?!" "Uh yeah. I think that's how fishing goes." Yay. Fishing.

Later that day
We went out onto the water and started rocking. I felt as if someone was actually rocking the boat. "Okay kiddo do you know how to fish?" "Yeah I do. I went fishing all the time with my friends. We caught a lot of fishes." "Son, did you just say....... fishes?" "Uh yeah. Isn't that the way to say more then one fish?" "No son it's not. More then one fish is just, well fish. Now are you sure you know how to fish?" "Uh well yeah. I was just playing with you." I scoff. I was totally lying. I've never picked up a fishing rod in my life.

I tried to do it but instead just got it all tangled up. My dad had to help me do it. I think he thinks that this "fishing" is a way of bonding. Ha, if anything it's a way of pulling us apart.

I finally gave up. Just watching my dad catch fish after fish. I wonder if my cat Clyde would like fish. Just as I was thinking about Clyde liking fish, I look over and there is this huge fish just swimming along. I scramble toward the edge, carful not to fall over and look at the beautiful creature. It notices that I was looking at it and swims off as if I was a shark hunting a school of fish. I wonder what kind of fish that was?

Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it! I will say that's it getting to the really good point in the story. This weekend I will try to update more. I hope you like and don't forget to vote, comment and obviously like ;)

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