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After shopping with Shelby, Jeremy and Autumn, I saw Amber waving goodbye to a boy. He looks like the one in the photos in Isabelle's house. I caught up with her as she wheeled down the path.

"Hey, Amber, wouldn't our mum be worried about us?" I ask, suddenly remembering our family at home.

"No. When a human enters the fairy world time stops in the human world. As there are three of you, the chance of the magic backfiring is very slim." Amber replies.

"Awesome! Time stopping! We are literal time stoppers!" Says Shelby from behind me, pumping her fist in the air.

"Actually, you should be getting ready." Amber says.

"Get ready for what?" I say.

"The Power Ceremony, of course!"

"What's the Power Ceremony? It sounds interesting!" Says Shelby.

"Alas, I forget how little humans know about our ways."

"Well, we didn't even think fairies were real!"

"And yet, here we are. Some fairies believe humans do not exist, you know. The Power Ceremony, usually performed when a fairy turns three years old, of course with some exceptions. It is a way of determining the powers of a fairy." Amber explains. "As I said you should probably get ready."

"What do you mean, get ready?" Shelby asks.

"The Power Ceremony is considered a formal event. Isabelle will probably have some spare clothes for you to use." Amber says, brightly.

I will never forget Shelby's face when she saw what we would be wearing.

The Fairy Garden Book 1: A fight for the throneWhere stories live. Discover now