Chapter 3: Mansions and New Members

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Anamarie's Pov.

I woke up today extremely panicked because I forgot that I had a knew home. I decided to start fresh so instead of wearing my usual jeans and shirt I go to my closet which Vanessa took the time to fill with cloth. I walked into my closet and looked through my cloths. I finally chose a pair of dark denim skinny jeans, a red skin tight tank top, a black leather jacket and my red Vans. When I was done getting dressed I slightly curled my hair and left it down. To finish my whole look off I tied a red bandana around my wrist. I walked into the fancy car garage and saw over thirty cars parked in it. I chose the red Audi to drive to school today. Once I arrived at school everyone was staring at my car because it was the shiniest one in the school parking lot. Kind of like how Edward's car was in Twilight. I parked my car and got my books out then I started walking to class. Finally, when people noticed I was the owner of the car there jaws dropped.

"Just in time for our morning session." I hear Zayn's deep voice say. I turned around and he was already getting ready to punch me. Right as his fist was going to collide with my face it was stopped. I look to see who stopped him and I see Michael.

"Man, I recommend you don't hurt her. She is being watched and guarded." Michael informed him while pointing to the places where Vanessa and a few other guys were standing just watching me.

"I'll just wait till we go inside the school building." Zayn replies smirking. I sigh knowing either way he would get to beat me up.

"She will be guarded at all times so don't even try to hurt her. I will make sure you and your idiotic friends don't hurt her that's why I will be attending this school once again." I hear a voice that I though I would never hear again say behind me. I turn to be met by my old best friend. Mario Santiago. I stopped seeing him when he started ditching school and started doing other stuff with Victor's gang.

"Don't I get a hug after such a long time?" Mario asks. I snap out of my shocked state and run to him giving him a long hug.

"Where the have you been all these years?" I question. He looks down at me and answers.

"Well I joined Victor's gang and he said sometimes things could get dangerous so he told me to stop seeing you for your safety. He explains and I nod my head showing that I understand. He turned out getting the same schedule as me so we walked to every class together with his arm slung over my shoulder.

2 Weeks Later

It has been two weeks since Mario came back and things have changed a ton. I have tons of 'friends' but I don't consider them my friends because they only want me to get close to Mario. He has always been popular. Turns out I was right the four dweebs Michael, Luke, Ashton, and Calum have started hanging put with  Niall and Taylor's group. Today I got dressed as usual putting on my red denim skinny jeans, a black skin tight tank top, a red leather jacket, my black Vans, my hair down, and a black bandana around my wrist. I also pulled out my black IPhone five and changed the case to one that was red with black letters that read CORAZON SIN CARA. After I got done getting dressed I grabbed my books and jogged towards the garage getting into my black Lamborghini. Today was the day I am meant to meet the two new gang members who would be picked randomly and they would be moving in with me. When I arrived to school I received a text from Mar (Mario).

Mario: Hey (Anamarie) I can't make it to school today we got gang probs trying to make sure a gang war doesn't break loose. 

JJ: ok Mar take care and don't die bye

Mario: (-_-)

JJ: Byezz

I put my phone up and headed towards the front of the school because I had got here early. I saw tons of people waving at me so I waved back.

"Hey, wanna be!" Taylor shouts. I look behind me to see her and her group.

"Where's your body guard?" Louis asked looking around nervously. I burst out laughing at his expression. Then I answer his previous question.

"Mario couldn't be here today but he has people watching me."

"Yeah right, Michael today is your turn to prove you are one of us." Liam tells Michael. Taylor pushes me to the cold hard cement ground making me fall on my knees. I was being held in that position until I heard Niall instructing Michael on what to do to me. Michael brought his foot up before slamming it back down on my back extremely hard.  He then kicked me in my ribs repeatedly before punching me in my face. To finish it off he yanked me up by my hair before slinging me back on the floor. After awhile I feel him stop so when I think they are gone I get up and limp to the nearest wall. I look around to see four figures watching me. When they notice I'm watching them they approach me.

"Get the hell away from me you fucking bastards!" I yell harshly. They all look at me with guilty expressions before Michael says," I know what I did was wrong but I don't regret it. You were being a  bitch to us on our first day here so I joined there group because you deserve what they do to you." I stare at him in shock and look at the other guys. The only one who is agreeing with him is Ashton while the other two guys are shaking there heads 'no'.

"I could careless what a prick like you think about me.  All I know is that you are un pinche estupido que no sabe nada( Spanish). So leave before I call Mario." I warn.  I look behind them to see the person I needed here; Mario.

"Call me for what?" Mario says smirking. He was going to give them a taste of there own medicine. The four guy's eyes widen at the sound of Mario's voice.

"Oh, you know to get you to beat the living shit out of four guys. Actually only two of them the other two didn't o anything besides join Taylor's and Niall's group." I say with a smile tugging at my lips. Mario nods getting ready to beat them up but he seems to think it through and then says," The two guys who didn't beat you up point at them." I point at Luke and Calum.

"You two come with me. You will be part of Victor's gang along with JJ." Mario says shocking not only me but the four boys too. Luke and Calum nod and walk towards us before we all get in our cars and head to my mansion.

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