Chapter 6: Memories and Discoveries

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Anamaria's Pov.

After Victor threatned Ashton he ran off and so that caused his friends to run off after him to. Currently Calum,Luke,Victor,Vanessa,and I are sitting in my room playing G.T.A.

"Victor why did it happen to her?Why did she have to go?" I ask Victor referring to my sister. Everyone stops what they are doing and looks at me with a sad smile.

"JJ, bad thing happen to nice people. Why? I don't know it's just the way the world works." He says looking me straight in the eyes.

"Then maybe it'll happen to me soon so that I don't have to deal with this cruel world."I say. That caused Victor to stand up and walk over to me.

"Anamaria Jaylean Santos don't you ever say that. Your sister would want you to live life to the fullest. She might not be here right now in person but she is here in spirit. Don't ever say that." He says in a stern voice. I nod my head and start heading upstairs to my room. When I through myself on my bed I hear my room door open and close. I feel my bed dip so I move to the bay window and stare out the window watching the rain drops that just started following race to the ground.

"JJ you have to learn to let go of her. I understand she was your sister and your only living relative but that doesn't mean you have to be depressed about it." Calum says.

"She wasn't my only living relative." I whisper quietly.

"What?" A confuesed Luke asks.

"I tell everyone that my parents died in a terrible accident but that isn't the truth."I explain sadly.

"Then what is the truth." Luke asks.  I turn to look at them.

"My sister she was dating Victor at the time and one day she figured out she was pregnant. She had never told Victor or anyone besides me. Then I guess one day her baby bump started showing and our parents found out. They immediately kicked her out along with me because they called me a traitor for not telling them she was pregnant. After they kicked us out I told her to tell Victor the truth and tell him that it's his baby but she refused at all costs to tell him. After that she had a miscarriage and lost the baby. She became depressed and she started to get bullied. Then the accident with her happened and she's gone. The point is my parents our still alive but I am practically dead to them just like they are dead to me." I say. Just them Victor walks in with teary eyes.

"So not only did I loose the love of my life that day but I also lost my baby. A baby I didn't know excisted." Victor says sobbing. I have never seen Victor cry so much except for the day she passed away. I nod my head 'yes'.
Vanessa comes in and hugs Victor while Calum and Luke embrace me in a hug.

"Okay, enough about the depressing stuff. Why don't we go have a Supernatural marathon." Vanessa says and we all agree. We all walk into the living room and start watching Sam and Dean do there thing.

_____________________________________A.N: Okay so I finally updated and I know it's short but it's just a filler chapter leading up to what will happen. I am also helping my cousin right her first book so go check it out on we account karimeramirez52 anyways thank you for taking me to update and I'll try to update more frequently but I have been so busy. Bye...

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