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"What the fuck you mean she in the hospital?" I asked into the phone. I was chilling at the spot and Peanut was on the phone with Saye. I'm tryna figure out how nobody called a young nigga and told me Drea was in the hospital.

Saye: Stop acting like you care about my bitch anyway Clip.
Me: Oh so now I don't care about her?
Peanut: Aye y'all ain't finna do allat on my phone. Saye send me the drop so he can go see her.
Saye: Ok ima text it to you right now.
Peanut: Aite
Saye: Bye.
Peanut: Hollon Hollon nigga ain't nobody said you can hang up. Fuck wrong with you.
Saye: My bad damn. (She laughed)

"Aite she sent the drop this where she at." Peanut said showing me the phone. "Aite." I stated grabbing my keys. "You want me to come with you?" Peanut asked.

"Nah I'm good, talk to shaw, I'll be back." I said heading out the door. As soon as I got in the car, Chi ass started calling me.

Me: Yo?
Chi: Where you at bae?
Me: I'm on the run why?
Chi: My ma wanna meet you daddy.
Me: Decent, I'll be through der later withcho fine ass.
Chi: Don't play. (The phone clicked)

I know what I told Drea. Truth is, I like both of them. I been fucking with Chi for a while now tho, so it ain't that easy to just cut her off on the real. I mean I like everything about her.

As I was driving to the hospital, I looked at my watch. It's 8 in the morning, the next day since she's been in there and nobody told me shit.

I'm more disappointed with Vae because I'm thinking she gon be the one to tell me. I guess she not fwm at the moment since I almost shot her crib up.

I pulled up to the spot just for the lady to tell me she ain't accepting visitors right now.

"What you mean I can't go see her?" I questioned. "Your not on the family list, so therefore your not allowed in the room." The receptionist spoke.

"Say ma why you gotta be that way? How much you want?" I asked pulling out a stack of money. Her eyes grew big as she tried to look straight ahead. I went behind the desk and put my arm around her neck and whispered in her ear.

"You could use a few hunneds." I said laughing. She look at me appalled before speaking. "A stack." She said holding her hand out. I gave her the stack and she smiled.

"Her room is on the first floor to the right. Number 6." She said putting the money in her bra. "I thought so." I said walking towards Andreas room.

I knocked on the door before walking in. "Yo ma." I spoke softly. She rolled over with tears in her eyes. "What you doing here?" She asked wiping her face.  "I came to see you, why you crying?" I asked her.

"Crying? Nigga it's called allergies." She said sniffling. If that's what she want to call it. "Why you in here lady?" Nobody told me what's going on with her.

"I had a heart attack on the road." She said hesitantly. "You crashed?" I asked eagerly. "Nah I pulled over once my heart started getting tight."

"Who found you?" I asked. "I don't know, all I know is it went black and I woke up here." She responded. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she sat up. "We need to talk" she added.

"What bout Ma." I asked sincerely. I shole hope she not finna say no bullshit. "Look, I know you gon have hoes on you. And ion believe shit you said bout not fucking with Chi again. But I like you, truth be told I don't know if you like me foreal. But I like you, and we just gon have to keep this on a friend type of level. I'm not finna put myself out there just for you to fuck me up with yo games. So you can do you, and you can do me too hell, but don't think I ain't finna do me at the same time." I heard her say.

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