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"Finally y'all get a nigga out this bitch." Drea said as Saye pulled off. "You know we was coming hush up." Saye said swerving.

"Nah chillat for you put me back innat bitch." Drea said as we laughed. "So what's the move for today?" She asked as we looked at her crazy.

"Move? You finna move right up innat bed." I said to her. Ain't nobody playing with her. She wanna have a heart attack and think shit all gravy.

"Yep tell her again lil sis, her ass finna be resting." Sayeana said. "And did Clip go see you?" She added.

"Yeah why?" Drea asked. "Well he said he was gon see you, I was just making sure he did." Saye responded. "You talked to him?" Drea asked. "Yes bitch, I was on the phone with Peanut and he was mad nobody told him. But he not apart of the family and he damn sho don't give a fuck about you so what ima tell him for." She answered.

"I know that's right." I instigated. "What y'all even talk about?" I added. "He was just checking on me, I had to let him know tho that if he was doing his thang I was surely doing mine."

"Bitch you did not tell him that." Saye said appalled. "She know she didn't say allat. Cause just yesterday she was weak in the knees."  I said. 

"Nah all honesty. Mama spoke to me." She said. "Bitch wheeeen??" I wanted to know. I really wanted to know what she said more than anything. It seems like Ma always visits Drea but I haven't seen her once since she died. I wonder if she even misses me as much as I miss her.

"It was more of a feeling, she didn't say nothing directly matter of fact I didn't even see her... it was just like I knew what I had to do." She spoke.

"Must be nice." I said sourly. Me and Drea always had conversations about how I never see, or feel mom's presence. "She'll come to you when it's time Vae, chill." She said.

"I know." I said hesitantly. We pulled into our garage and hopped out the car. We walked into the crib just to find dad on the couch watching tv.

"Hey dad." Drea spoke. He looked at her coldly before getting up. "Dad what's wrong?" She asked concerned. He didn't say anything before embracing her tightly.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again hefa. I haven't been in contact with god in about 6 years, don't make me have to reach out to him again." He said sadly.

It was evident he's scared to lose either of us and that was just way too much for him.

"I'm sorry dad." Drea said. "Ight now go find something to do with yo life. Start by finding yo way to your room." He said.

"I know you not salty." Drea said. "How you gon send her to her room cause of her health." Saye said laughing. "Exactly how I did, and Saye you can follow pursuit." Pops said causing us to laugh.

"I'm not even yo child."  She said jokingly. "You be over here like I adopted you. Might as well be." He stated.

"You know you love me." Saye said with a wide smile. "I done told you bout being delusional it ain't Opposite Day. All y'all fuck out my face." He said.

We all rolled our eyes and walked up stairs. Saye went into Drea'a room and I went to mine.

As I sat on my bed undressing I got a call. When Deubie calls it has a "Can I put my balls in yo jaws" ringtone. So I'm knowing it's not him.

Me and Ju don't even FaceTime so it can't be her. I looked at my phone to watch "My baby daddy👶🏽👩🏽‍🍼" appear on my screen. 

I answered the call.

Me: Hello?
Ant: Yo where yo top at?
Me: I was in the middle of changing when you called.

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