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"What do you want to eat Nevaeh?" He asked me again. "Chika luck." I said hesitantly. "Speak the fuck up fore you not eat shit." He said loudly.

"Chika luck." I said again. "Why you wanna eat over there?" He asked me. "Because I ate over there once and I liked it. Can you just take me?" He asking too many questions.

He looked me up and down before licking his lips. "Yo attitude, ima get that right." He said before turning into the drive through of Chika luck. "Nu uh, I wanna go in." I said grabbing my wallet.

"I'ma wait in the car, put that down." He said referring to my wallet. "How the fuck am I gon pay if ion have my wallet?" I asked stupidly.

"Here dumbass lil girl." He said giving me his card. Nigga coulda told me the fuck. I took the card and hopped out the car, I look bout lil as hell compared to his shit.

I walked in and saw Za and Deubie sitting down eating. "Hey ma." Za said to me. " Hey yall wassup." I responded.

"Damn nigga what you doing here?" Deubie asked me confusingly. "I came back cause I liked it so much the first time." I said. "Who you here with?" Za asked.

"Drea in the car, Deubie come here can I talk to you?" I asked my bestfriend. "Yeah wassup." He said backing me into a corner.

"Ant brought me here..." I stated to him quietly. "Who the fuck is Ant?" He screeched. I gave him a look hoping my facial expressions will make him remember.

He cupped his hand over his mouth. "See this that hoe shit." He said jokingly. "What the fuck is you doing up here with my nigga brother?" He added on.

"He just called me and told me he was coming to get me." I responded. "Bitchhhh. You got the nigga number too?" He asked feminly.

I punched him playfully in his chest. "Derek quit playing." I said. He took a sip out his drink. "Aite Aite, what you want me to do bestie?" He asked. "Keep Za occupied so he don't go out there and see me hop in his big brother car." I said.

"How I'm supposed to do that, nigga basically saw love at first sight when he met you. And he watch you walk away every time you turn yo head." Deubie responded. "Derek find a way please." I said walking up to the register.

"Za come here boo." I said to him as he walked up towards me. I don't want him to feel left out when it comes to me and Derek's friendship.

"Wassup pretty woman." He said sipping his drank. "What you doing up here? And with Deubie." I asked. "I told you this my spot ma, I be up over here all the time. Deubie just wanted to come." He answered.

Antron is really cool people, I just wish he didn't lie to me and tried to act like he was somebody he's not. "Oh ok." I said before putting my order in.

"So uhm... it's a party after school tomorrow." Za said hesitantly. "On a Monday?" I asked suspiciously. "Yeah apparently." He responded. "Okay what about it?" I asked. "Well do you wanna go? I already told Deubie about it." He exclaimed.

"Sure, only if I can get Ju to go." I said honestly. "Now why you invite Vae? That mean ima have to babysit or her crazy ass sister gon be at our throats." Deubie said disappointedly.

"Nigga don't do my sister and nah we gon be good. Ima call up Ju, Deubie send me the lo" I said collecting my food. "Aite yall I'm out." I said and I gave Deubie a look.

"Let me walk you out ma." Za said sincerely. "Yo Za uhm do you wanna... clean the trash can with me?" Deubie asked stupidly. He had one fucking job yo.

"What?" Za asked confused. "Nigga the trash let's clean it." Derek said loudly. "I don't work here." Za said eagerly. Deubie signaled for me to leave while he and Za was in steady conversation about cleaning the trash.

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