Chapter 2: College

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*Alec's pov*

It was finally the end of the weekend, 2 days since I've had the argument with Ashley and 1 day since me and Funneh's 2 year anniversary. I'm feeling much more better, knowing Funneh is in a better place now. She may had have the most terrible, violent death ever. The most pain she has Endured. But she can finally rest. Leaving all the things she loves and pains away.

I woke up to it being Monday. Summer is now over, time to be an adult and get my life straight. I start getting out of my bed- Getting in the shower, changing, eating, grabbing my keys, phone and backpack. I head outside. Glancing over at Funneh's memorial "grave" by the side of my dorm. Giving a gentle but sad smile.

Alec: First day of College..yay..Sad I can't spend it with you. But that's okay, you can spend it with me...Up there.

I look up then back down.

Alec: Alright, I'll see you when I come back.

I start walking to my car, hopping in and starting it. I sit there for a second before driving off.

*Few minutes later*

I finally arrive at the school, while I was pulling into the parking lot. I seen- Kyran, Gold, Evan and Senpai. I miss seeing my old group in Highschool that included- Funneh, Aly, Draco, Lunar and Rainbow. Since Aly is still a High schooler, she doesn't come to our group often anymore.

I parked my car, reaching into the passenger's side to grab my bag. I turn off my car and taking the key's out. I step out of my car, my friends all start waving at me. I started jogging over to them while putting my keys in my pocket.

Gold: Alec!

Alec: Hey guys. How is everyone one?

Kyran: Tired, I wanna go back to bed.

Gold: I've been Fantastic!

Evan: Like any normal day.

Senpai: Scared to start College, does that count?

Alec: That does count, haha.

Everyone laughed and looked back at Gold who was staring up at the sky.

Gold: Look Funneh!! We all made it to College!!!

Gold put on a bright smile, Alec looked back at Kyran, Senpai and Evan before turning back around and smiling at Gold.

Alec: She must be extremely happy and proud, Gold.

Gold stopped with both her arms in the air aiming at the sky. She let loose and turned her head towards Alec.

Gold: Happy?

Alec: ....In other words- Proud. She's proud that her childhood bestfriend, that she grew up with. Is now going to college. I mean..haha. I would even be proud.

Gold looks back at the sky and gently smile while dropping a tear.

Gold: Is that true? My one and only favorite person in the world...Is proud, without even saying there proud...

Gold looks down and drops more tears.

Gold: And...My favorite person in the world, that I cherished and was able to rely on- Had to be the one to..go..

Alec looks at Kyran, Senpai and Evam, He looks back at Gold and walks beside her.

Alec: Look, Funneh is still with us. In fact- Look back up.

Alec points at the sky and Gold follows along.

Alec: She's in a better place and I'm glad. Why? Because she's not in anymore pain. The pain she must've been in...She probably wanted to die so d*mn bad.

Gold: Your right...I do remember hearing about all her wounds...

Kyran walks beside them with a huge smile, Senpai and Evan does the same.

Kyran: Well- She's in a 10x better place than she was before!!

Senpai: I'm in with Kyran on this one. Funneh is still with us and she'll forever be.

Evan: So- What are we waiting for? Don't want our little ghost friend to wait! Let's goooo!

Gold and Alec look at eachother before putting on a smile and walking inside.

They headed to the office first to pick up there schedule.

Gold: Thank you!

Everyone else waves at the office lady.

Gold: Alright, seems like we're split on this one. I'll see you guy's for lunch?

Alec: Yeah, see you later.

Senpai and Evan waves.

Kyran: Of course, love.

Kyran walks over and kisses Gold. After that, they all part to there classes.

"You're Half Way There..."(YHS) BOOK 2!!Where stories live. Discover now