Chapter 19: The story

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Note: Alright, i was literally at Costco earlier today. The ride there is about an hour long drive. I started thinking on idea's for my story while listening to music. I've never thought of the best idea ever- This might lead to a book 3💀💀 Butttttt, I'm willing to do it. Has something to do with future kids😏 Thanks to half an idea by: Wellitriedtotellyou😋




It was finally the next morning. Both Alec and Funneh decided to wake up early, not only for school- But so they both don't get trampled by an angry Gold. She was furious when she heard, Alec finally returned after 2 weeks of being gone. 

Funneh turns her head, looking at Alec from the bathroom. She can see him viciously praying.

Funneh: Are you good over there?

Alec: Yup, totally fine. Not over here praying to god Gold doesn't beat my ass.

Funneh turns back towards the bathroom mirror, laughing.

Funneh: You'll be fine. Now- If i weren't so forgiving towards you, you'll probably for sure be dead right now. That angry cat would claw your eyes out.

Alec: Wow, thanks babe. Love you too.

Funneh laughs even harder by his sarcastic comment.

Funneh: I promise you'll be fine....As long as your near me-

Alec: You're making it worst!

Funneh: Hahaha, Sorryyyyyy-

Funneh was interrupted mid-way when her phone went off. She glances down and over at her phone, seeing who it is.

Alec: Is it Gold?

Funneh: Yeah, she wants to know when we'll be down at the school.

Alec: Hmm, when are you done?

Funneh: I'll be done in a minute or two.

Alec: Okay, so- Give it like 10 minutes or so.

Funneh: Alright.

Funneh picks up her phone, typing with one hand while the other hand is occupied with a toothbrush.

Funneh: Done.

Alec gives a brief nod before standing up, grabbing his bags and car key's.

Alec: I'm gonna go and warm up the car. Meet me outside, love.

Funneh: Alright, see you then.

Funneh smiles, Alec starts walking out and down to the front door. Getting the car ready.

Funneh finally spit's out the toothpaste. Cleaning her brush and leaving the bathroom. Grabbing her phone and bag before walking to the car. She walks out, seeing Alec leaned against the car on his phone. He looks up and put's his phone away. He trots to the passenger door and opens it for Funneh.

Funneh does an 'awh' smile before taking his sweet offer.

Funneh: What a gentlemen, thank you.

Alec: You're very welcome m'lady.

Alec does a gentle smile before gently closing her door and walking in front of the car to his door.

*3 mins later*

They finally made it to there school, Alec pulls up to the parking lot and parks in an empty space that was closer to the front of the school. Alec looks down for a second to park and grab his stuff before slowly looking back up. He froze, seeing Gold stare at him dead in the eyes. He slowly looks at Funneh, which Funneh can see the fear projected in his eyes.

Funneh chuckled before telling him to stay in the car for a second. Funneh takes a step out.

Funneh: Before i get trampled! Gold- Alec will not get out of the car if you stare at him like that. For his safety, he will stay there till you learn to keep you eyes to yourself.

Gold: Hmph, he made you upset and angry. Making you loose appetite in nearly everything. I couldn't see you for 2 weeks because of him.

Funneh face palms.

Funneh: Look- I'm fine. I'm better than ever. You trying to kill him is not gonna solve anything. 

Gold: Fine, he got off lucky. Next time, there won't be any luck.

Funneh: Fine with me.

Funneh turns her head and signals Alec to come out. Alec gently opens the door and steps out.

Alec: I'm good?

Funneh: Yes, problem solved.

Alec sighs in relief.

Everyone finally settles down before getting back to track.

Gold: Anyways- FUNNEH!!!!

Gold runs and jumps on her.

Funneh: Woah- Haha. Was 2 week's really that long?

Draco: Yes!! It indeed was!

Lunar: You should've seen Gold. She was literally jumping off walls when you never answer her texts.

Kyran: Tell me about it. 

Funneh looks down at his arms.

Funneh: Those scratch marks are from Gold...Are they?

Kyran: Scratch me throughout the night when you don't text her before bed.

Funneh: So she was the one spamming.

Evan: Yes, the rest of us were silently screaming for help.

Funneh: My apologies. Haha.

Rainbow: So glad i have my own dorm and away from this psycho.

Gold: Hey!-

Gold was interrupted by the school bell going off.

Gold: Y'all got off lucky. If that bell didn't go off- You'll all be dead.

Senpai: Wow, thanks.

Funneh: I'm good, I rather not die again.

Everyone looks over at Funneh, before realizing her joke and started laughing.

Evan: Wait wait, we're did you go when you died?

Funneh starts laughing.

Funneh: I'll tell you on our way inside.

Everyone nods.

*This is all gonna be made up, since I've never died irl- I have no clue where you go💀*

Funneh: Well- When I died, I was left in complete darkness. Everything around me was nothing but darkness. I'm gonna tell you this now- I was terrified. I had no clue I died, I had no clue we're I was even at. Haha. I was only in- Darkness for about a minute before finally seeing light and No- It's not the light that you go too. It was- The world light. Everything was coming back in a blur. I then- Woke up on a dissecting table.

Alec: Wait- So, if you were only in darkness for about a minute before waking back up. Returning to the real world- Does that mean every minute in darkness is another year?

Funneh: Yup, nothing but you and your thoughts.

Gold: So- You didn't go anywhere? Backrooms? Heaven?

Funneh: Nope- I think that was gonna be an option in like, 10 minutes. Aka- 10 years.

Draco: Damn. I would think I would've been blind.

Funneh: Yeah, I think that's what terrified me. I thought I went blind, that's why I didn't know I died.

Lunar: Makes sense.

Everyone starts laughing before finally heading off to class, living another terrible day in College.
Note: I'm gonna note that- I know you can't miss day's of college. The professor's don't care if you lost a family member, went to there funeral or what not- Your there to get a life. Get your dream job. But in my book, nothing matters in life anymore😂😂

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