You're fat comebacks

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Say these to stupid bitches and assholes who call you "fat"

1. So missed your eye exam again?

2. Why don't you pick on someone your own size like that pole over there?

3. And yet, for some reason, you are still jealous!

4. Someone had to make you feel better about being so ugly. So I got fat.

5. I might be fat, but you're so skinny, you resemble a pile of skeleton bones... skeleton bones that are crumbling apart.

6. If I'm fat, then you're a walking skeleton stick. You're the unhealthy one here. I think you should go see your doctor or a therapist, because you're so thin, you look like you're about to starve to death.

7. I know right, we could be twins!

8. Yep, I like to eat, not to puke

9. Fat is temporary but stupid is permanent.

10. Oops, let me move the mirror for you.

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