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Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or the pictures used except for the plot.

Percy was seen hanging out with his friends in his cabin. Annabeth was telling the group about her trip to Rome for a vacation to see the architecture of the buildings. She pulled out her notebook and showed her friends the drawings of many buildings that she drew.

The 7 were enjoying a day off without doing any quest for the Olympian Gods. The 7 chatted a bit with each other when Percy's body began to glow.

Grover being the nearest shouted gaining the rest of his friends attention.


When the glowing died down. The friends can see tattoos on Percy's body in different locations on different limbs due to the fact Percy is wearing a short sleeve shirt and shorts.

Percy being the oblivious person that he is looked at his limbs and saw the tattoos. He looked at his friends for help. "Guys, what is this?"

The 7 immediately rushed their friend to Chiron for an explanation.

Chiron who was overseeing the younger demigods training when he saw Percy being dragged by his friends towards him. Chiron dismissed the younger demigods and faced the group.

"What's wrong?" He asked.
The group shoved Percy into his view and the centaur could see tattoos littered in some body parts.

The group except Percy who was now in a daze explained what's transpired before bringing their dazed friend to him.

Chiron nodded his head after hearing the explanation and started to explain to the group that the tattoos on Percy's body mean that he has soulmates.

~In Olympus~
The gods were left dumbfounded with the information given to them by the fates. Hades slumped onto his chair along with his brother Zeus. Yes Hades was allowed a chair in Olympus. Hades spoke" our nephew Percy has soulmates but not only soulmates but mortal superhero soulmates".

Zeus looked at his brother Poseidon for his reaction. The lightning god saw his brother's blank face and knew he was seething inside.

~In Gotham~
Four boys in their respective bedrooms looked at each different body parts looking at the tattoos that indicates that they have a soulmate.

So the four boys went to sleep with dreams about their soulmate.

~Back at camp~
Percy sat on his bed with his knees brought to his chest. His head hurts from the information that was given as he finally digestted the information given to his friends by Chiron.

Tyson his Cyclops half brother tries to cheer him up but at this point Percy tuned the outside world off. Rippling water could be heard and the god of the seas emerged and dismissed the group including Tyson. He went over to his son's side and hugged him till he falls asleep.

How did this happen, flashback time:
Poseidon was sitting on his chair in Olympus seething when he heard that his son is mated to four males not that he minded because he will support his son in everything but the part where the fates said that his son is mated to four mortals and are superheroes.

Are they good enough for his son. Can they earn Poseidon's trust to protect his son.

The thoughts in his head about his son is giving him a headache so he stood up asked Zeus"brother, I will be visiting Percy".

Zeus nodded his head granting him permission to do so. With that he disappeared from Olympus and his destination, Camp half blood.

Upon arriving at Percy's cabin not that he needs help with since there is no walls to get in his way due to the fact that he built the cabin.

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