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The ride to the manor was accompanied by Percy asking the brothers if they ever had a girlfriend or boyfriend before meeting him. Jason and Tim are single when meeting him but Dick and Damien's were a different story.

Dick explained"I dated a girl from a planet named Tamaran but we broke it of when it felt awkward and she understands so now we're friends".

Percy looked at Damien. When Damien wouldn't budge he uses a technique. The baby seal eyes.

Not even the Greek gods can't look away and always cave into whatever he wants. Damien felt his resolve starting to break and he spoke in defeat.

"Okay okay I'll tell". Percy cheered and kissed Dick who gave him the suggestion to use the technique.

Damien sighed and explained"I was dating a girl name Raven her real name is Rachel Roth and we started dating for two years but I caught her cheating on me so I broke it of". Percy hugged the youngest Wayne and kissed his cheek. He turned to the brothers who declared"Damien is my favourite soulmate".

The three brothers was about to complain but the car already stopped at the entrance of the manor. Before Percy got out of the car, Jason was out the car before the car stopped and grabbed Percy before they could stop him and carried their mate inside the manor bridal style. 

Percy gave a squeal of surprise when he felt someone picked him up. He heard a door opening and he saw his painting hanging on the foyer wall and saw his sketch in a little frame. He was soon placed on a chair. He looked around and saw an adult male and female.

The female introduced herself"I'm Selina the brothers stepmom". He saw his mom beside the male adult"I'm Bruce Wayne and I know you know this lady beside me". Percy nodded said"hi mom". Then Percy internally cringe. It was déjà vu for him because he heard Annabeth saying that exact words when meeting her mom for the first time after proving his innocence after being accused for being a theif. 

A whirlpool appeared slightly smaller than his dad. He turned his head away not wanting to see the person emerging from the whirlpool.

A figure emerged and looked around. The brothers entered and the figure pulled out his sword. Ready to battle, the figure asked menacingly"which one of you mortals is my brother's soulmate?".

The four pointed at themselves. The figure stepped into the light and Percy knew it was his half-brother. Triton went over to them and went into a battle stance. But before he could attack. Percy asked"brother Triton, what are you doing here?".

Triton explained"I returned from a mission father assigned to me but when I returned father was seething when I asked why he's angry he told me that the fates told the Greek gods that you are mates to four mortals that are superheroes so please little  brother allow me to challenge them to see if they are worthy?".

Percy knew that he wasn't going to stop asking so he allowed the challenge.

The brothers lead Percy's brother to the training room so that they couldn't destroy anything. 

While the five are battling Percy sighed and Sally asked in worry"are you okay, Percy?". Percy sighed in frustration spoke "I jinxed it and dad is probably cheering him on". Sally spoke"cheer up Percy". Percy felt a small smile graced his face but he did not indeed cheer up. Raven entered and walked to Bruce telling him she was here to see Damien.

Bruce replied with a he's busy. You could here swords clashing and and something being thrown including a gunshot. Percy sighed and stood up to stop them from fighting but a steamy hot plate of carbonara was placed and the five emerged from the training room and Percy could see wounds and stood up"big brother I know you challenge them to see if they are worthy but you shouldn't injure them".

Sally somehow knew this was happening so she gave Percy a glass of water. Percy thanked her and manipulate the water into their wounds and watched the water heal the wounds making sure that no wounds are covering their body. One by one the brothers sat down and steamy hot plate of carbonara was placed in front of them.

The four digged in hungry after their little workout and Percy noticed his brother gone. He shrugged and ate his carbonara.

Rachel cleared her throat gaining everyone's attention. Damien stopped eating and wiped a smudge of cream on the corner of the Percy's lips. Percy blushed and looked away. Rachel asked"Damien I know I cheated and I regret it but please can you give me another chance".

Damien"spoke"please I know you don't regret cheating but I have a soulmate but I do hate sharing him with my annoying brothers". Rachel looked at Percy and glared"you took Damien from me you will pay." Percy gave his empty plate to Alfred and glared 2x harder.

Rachel used her powers to attack Percy but before the darkness could ever touched him a trident appeared beside Percy and Percy raised his arms and the trident ready itself and with a swift flick of the wrist the trident counter-attack Raven's attack.

Percy plopped down to Jason's lap and Raven fell to her knees exhausted. Bruce told her to leave. Selina spoke"I like you Percy especially when you make my kittens happy". Bruce nodded agreeing with her. Percy spoke "she doesn't scare me, she's half mortal half demon but I'm a demigod half god and half human". He told the adults excluding Sally already granted permission from his uncle. Percy continued while giggling.

"Her father's no match for uncle Hades". In between giggles. Sally spoke"the underworld can be quite scary but I think Hades would torment that girl's father". Bruce turned to his assistant asked"you've been to the underworld before?".

Sally was about to answer but Percy beat her to it. "She was held captive by uncle Hades due to the fact I was accused of stealing uncle Zeus's lightning bolt". He continued while huffing and Jason kissed his cheek" it was my first quest to even though Chiron told me not to".

He remembered something and spoke "that was the day I found out that I was the son of Poseidon".

Percy told the brothers about his quests and the boys all exclaimed that he shouldn't do quests and that if he's on a quest they will follow him. Percy shake his head no.

"I have to go to quests because I'm beginning to think the fates love to play with my life".

The day ends, Percy and his mom stayed to eat dinner and texted to his stepdad to eat dinner without them.

Percy pecked each of the brothers cheeks and entered his mom's car.

Percy looked out the window. By the time they entered the house, Paul was cleaning the dishes. He gave him a small wave and went to his bedroom, pulled his pajamas out and went to the bathroom.

Few minutes later, he went out in his pajamas and placed his outfit in a hamper for his mom to washed. Too sleepy to text his mates and friends, he plugged his phone and went to sleep.

Words count:1246
-see you in the next chapter-

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