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Percy woke up to his mom calling him down for breakfast. Percy wore:

Ignore the ring

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Ignore the ring.

He gave his mom a kiss to the cheek and sat down and started to eat his blue pancakes and some juice. His mom sat down next to Paul and started eating her food. She thought that Percy would go to school but she didn't want her son to be unhappy to go to school so she asked"Percy would you like me to enroll you to the school?".

Percy stopped eating his 5th pancake and spoke after swallowing" what if they found my records of blowing up my former schools and skipping class". Sally noticed that Percy was full on rambling on why he shouldn't go to school.

Sally put her hand up to make Percy stop rambling. Seeing this action Percy stopped and looked at his food. Paul spoke up after drinking  his coffee.

" I can teach certain subjects to him Sally go to your job". Sally was reluctant to leave Percy alone but caved in, she kissed Percy's forehead and went out of the house to the car and left for her work.

Percy looked at his stepdad as he went upstairs probably into their bedroom. Moments later he appeared downstairs with a textbook and a notebook. He placed both down in front of Percy. He spoke softly" you can turn to page 17 in the textbook".

Percy did as ask and Paul switched to teacher mode. he explained to Percy the information inside the textbook. After that, he created worksheets on the information based in the textbook. Percy answered the questions with a bit of difficulty.

Paul checked the worksheets and let's Percy do what he wants so he went to the park.

He sat down on a bench and pulled out his phone. He tapped onto the group chat that he and his friends made and started telling them what's been going on and how he was settling in Gotham. His friends replied and unknowingly someone sat next to him. A voice made him look up from his phone.   

"Hello there what are you doing there?".

Percy saw a a boy with black hair and a streak of white in his hair. Percy spoke"on a break I'm waiting for my stepfather to finish checking my worksheets I'm homeschooled". His phone rang and he answered.


"Percy I marked your worksheets come on back". Percy hang up and stood up and left leaving the boy behind.

The boy named Jason Todd thought to himself while looking up to the sky"brothers I found our soulmate".

~With Percy~
The walk home wasn't far so by the time he entered he saw Paul over in the living room reading a book. Once noticing his stepson's presence he mearly pointed out at the dining table. Percy found his worksheets and brought them up to his room.

He sat on his chair by his desk and pulled out a sketchbook and paint that  Piper bought for him as a gift for his birthday. He decided to draw.

Once done he looked proud of himself and outline the shape of the next drawing.

(The drawing)

He noticed the sun going down and decided to take a bath

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He noticed the sun going down and decided to take a bath. After the bath,  he put on the pajamas and went downstairs for dinner and then  to bed.

~With the bat family~
Bruce and his sons except for Jason were getting ready to suit up for patrol. The entrance to the cave opened and a very happy Jason came through. He plopped himself onto a chair overlooking the whole cave. He was excused from patrol due to his arm injury. He spoke"guess what Dick, Tim and Demon spawn?"

The boys mentioned turned to him. Damien aka demon spawn pulled a katana from the sheath and pointed it to Jason"spit it out,Todd".

Jason raised his hands in surrender not wanting to die, he spoke" I met our soulmate today at the park and he at least I think its a he was on his phone asking him on why he was there and he told me that he was on a  break and also told me his homeschooled".

Damien placed his  katana down on the table and pulled a chair out and sat on it. He looked at his obnoxious big brother not that he said that out loud and looked at him in anticipation. Jason continued not noticing his other brothers sat down wanting to listen to him talk"he has messy jet black hair but get this his eyes are sea-green and the outfit he was wearing revealed out marks to me so I knew he's our soulmate" he then remembered something and sulked" I didn't get his name".

He whined and the rest of the batboys went on patrol with their father/ mentor with the information that Jason gave them. It was about dawn when the batboys and batman returned after dealing with two face and the Joker who broke out of prison and also saving some civilians in a robbery attempt.

They changed out of their suits, showered put on pajamas and went to sleep. Tim set an alarm to wake up early and not wanting to bother Alfred same with Damien.

Poseidon and the rest of the gods looked down at the events transpired and Poseidon grumbled something about mortals better treat my son well".

Zeus and Hades nodded their heads with agreement.

Sally Jackson arrived after Percy went to his room. She cooked dinner and Percy came down with pajamas on and the family of three are dinner with a few conversations.

The parents decided to go to sleep and Percy was on his desk colouring in the blank spaces of his second drawing. He was halfway through the drawing when he felt sleepy so he went to his bed and pulled out his phone texting his friends a goodnight, plugged his phone in and went to sleep with thoughts the next day and also missing his friends at camp and how their doing with that final thought he slept peacefully and no nightmares this time.

Word count:1061
-see you in the next chapter-

Sorry I couldn't make this chapter longer my eyes are about to fall asleep I promise in the next chapter it will be longer

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