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Percy woke up to a nightmare involving his friends and a quest. He looked around his surroundings and sigh in relief when he noticed that he's in his room.

He went downstairs to get a glass of water to drink and he sat down and brought the glass slowly to his lips. He took sips in order to calm his racing heart. He jumped and nearly let go of the glass he was currently holding when he saw his dad in the room. He placed the now empty glass onto the table and jumped onto his father's outstretched arms. Poseidon chuckled at the energy his son has and placed his arms around his son's waist.

Slowly, Percy soon fell asleep after smelling the sea on his dad. Hearing small snores from his son, he brought him back to his room making sure to stay quiet not to wake up the sleeping couple and tucked him in. Making sure that his son is asleep, Poseidon disappeared after kissing Percy on the forehead.

Percy woke up sad because he doesn't see his dad with him so he stretched and went to the bathroom. He got out with a towel around his waist and chose an outfit.

 He got out with a towel around his waist and chose an outfit

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But that all changed because he's going to buy new clothes with his mom. He quickly make sure that noting is missing on his outfit and went downstairs with a slight skip to his step.

He quickly ate the blue pancakes and drank his juice. His mom asked"Percy are you ready to go shopping for new clothes?". Percy only grinned and pulled out a credit card spoke"I woke up and found a credit card with a note from uncle Hades saying I have unlimited money so I'm using it to pay for my outfits."

Sally rolled her eyes knowing that was something that the god of the underworld would do.

After washing the dishes, the mother-son duo went to the car. Paul wished them a safe trip and the two left for the mall. Once they found a parking spot and entered the mall Percy had a look and dashed for a nearby store leaving his mom to ran after him.

He looked around and bought a few skirts, t-shirts, blouse, dresses and shoes". He was excited and didn't watch where he's going and accidentally bumped into someone. Before he could fall strong arms wrapped around his waist. He looked up and saw a boy with short black hair and blue eyes. He helped Percy on his feet and gathered the fallen bags that were dropped when the mysterious male bumped into him.

A female voice called out" Percy, Percy where are you?". Dick could see the mystery male perked up and shouted"mom I'm here".

Sally Jackson sigh in relief when she saw her son unharmed so she gave him a lecture about not to run off and he responded that he's not a child anymore. Sally glared at him and turned to the male that caught her son" thank you so much...." Dick introduced himself"Richard Grayson but you can call me Dick".

Sally nodded and spoke" thank you so much Dick, my name is Sally Jackson and this is my son Percy". Dick could tell that Percy is the one that Jason described and let's just say that their soulmate is cute.

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