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Percy could be seen in his room drawing. He was so emersed in his drawing that he didn't notice someone in the room with him.

He felt someone touch his shoulder. He looked up and saw Tim. He put his pencil down and looked at him. Tim gave a peck on his lips. But somehow Percy wasn't satisfied so he pulled Tim and the both of them made out. Before it could be more than a make out Tim groaned when something hit hit head.

They pulled away leaving a trail of saliva between them. Percy made the saliva disappear and looked up at the three brothers behind Tim.

Jason glared and Percy could see a hilt of a gun that was used to hit Tim. Percy rubbed the spot where the gun hit Tim's head. He spoke"so why are you here"?. Still rubbing Tim's head. Dick replied" we wanted to hang with you since it's a school break". Percy got up and asked"where are we going?. Jason grinned"we noticed that you like the colour blue so we thought we could bring you to the aquarium to see the fishes". Percy checked his phone for any messages from his friends but found none so he grabbed his purse that Damian bought.

He placed his phone inside and wallet. Zipped the purse and left with his soulmates following. The five entered the car and drove to the aquarium.

The four paid the entry fee and they went to look around. The fishes that they stopped at went to their prince and started talking to him telling him about their day. Percy giggled softly and they let him go to other parts of the aquarium.

They went to watch the dolphin show. Percy was mesmerized by the dolphins. Jason could have sworn he saw the dolphins give them a little wave with their fins before plunging back into the water. By the end of the day, the five went home with Percy clutching onto a big soft dolphin plush.

On the ride home, Percy felt his phone vibrate in his purse. He hands the big plush to Dick and answers his phone.

He saw the caller ID and spoke"hello uncle Hades what's wrong?". Because his uncle Hades doesn't call him. Hades chuckled and answered"nothing's wrong Percy I just gave your mom a new credit card". Percy giggled"thanks uncle".

Annabeth texted him to tell him to bring souvenirs when he comes back to camp.

Percy groaned and replied back with a got it.

He looked at his mates and said"can we go buy some souvenirs tomorrow because my friends want me to give them something from Gotham before going back to camp". All four soulmates nodded but with a frown which they still don't like the idea of Percy going back to that camp. Damian grumbled something under his breath but Percy couldn't hear. Tim asked"can't you ask the camp supervisor if we could come with you?".

Percy remarked"if you come with me then who will fight alongside batman". All of them started to mumble and Jason decided to be bold" we could just follow you". Percy looked at them and saw the determination in their eyes sighed in defeat" I'll see what I can do".

All three except for Damian cried with joy. Then the 5 drove Percy back home.

Percy thanked the brothers and went inside the house carrying the dolphin plush. He went to his room to place the plush in his bed and went to his bathroom to iris call his uncle Zeus.

His uncle answered and Percy figeted on his feet. He told him what his mates wanted to do and Zeus assured him he will have a chat with Chiron.

Percy end the call and went to take a bath.

~with the gods~

Zeus called the council and he called Chiron to Olympus. While the gods were confused as to why they were summoned. Chiron appeared and stood infron of the council. Zeus stood up from his chair.

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