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Percy woke up to his stepdad knocking on his door. He woke up and smoothed down his pajamas. He unlocked the door and he could see his stepdad and behind him stood his soulmates and beside them a group of people he has never met before. He could feel his soulmates staring at him but he could feel them staring more at his outfit.

He looked down and blushed and told them to come in also the group. Paul told Percy that breakfast would be ready within a few minutes so he could bring Percy his breakfast once done being made. Percy nodded and watched him disappear downstairs. He closed his door and noticed Damien sitting on his desk chair, Jason sat on his swing and Dick and Tim sat on the bed. He sat in the middle of the two while the group he never even met sat on the floor.

He leaned his head on Tim's shoulder asked not quite awake yet"what are you guys doing here?".

Dick placed his hand in Percy's hair replied"we want to hang out with you but our friends wanted to hang out with us but we want to hang out with you so we brought them here so we could all hang out and besides we texted you but you never answered". Damien gave his phone to him.

He opened the group chat and his eyes widened when he saw his friends spamming his phone about new campers coming in and few of the campers were sent to quests by the time they settled down.

He looked apologetic remembering his first time at the camp and his first quest. He shuddered at the thought. Thinking that their soulmate was freezing cold Jason removed his leather jacket and threw it to Dick who caught it and placed on their soulmate's shoulder .

Feeling irritated at being ignored a blond haired female cleared her throat disrupting the moment the soulmates had with each other.

Percy turned and asked"yes?". The blond spoke"I hate to ruin the moment but we're being ignored". Percy glanced at the group and asked"since I've never met you before would you kindly introduced yourself?".

The blond female stood up and introduced herself"hi I'm Artemis Crock you can call me whatever you want". The male with with spiky red hair and green eyes stood up and introduced himself"I'm Wallace West but you can call me Wally since everyone calls me that".

A green coloured female with brown hair excitedly spoke"hi I'm M'gann".

And in the corner of the room male with blond hair stood and introduced himself"Kaldur'ahm but you can call me Kaldur".

Percy introduced himself"I'm Perseus Jackson but please call me Percy, I'm called Perseus only when I'm in trouble". In the corner of his eye he could see Kaldur flinch but he doesn't know why maybe he could ask his father about that.

A knock on the door brought everyone to a halt. Paul entered with a tray of food with Wally opening the door for him. Paul placed the tray on Percy's lap. Percy smiled and dug in.

Wally sat back down and asked the eating teenager" so Percy how do you know the Wayne brothers?". Percy stopped mid bite of his blue pancakes and simply removed Jason's jacket from his shoulder and point to his and Dick's neck tilting his head so the group can see the tattoos more clearly.

He pointed at both his and Jason's shoulder and lifted his wrist so that they could see Tim's tattoo on his wrist and lastly he pulled his leg out to show them Damien's tattoo on his ankle. He continued eating until his plate is empty.

Dick left to bring the tray down and saw Jon in the entryway. Jon came to him asking if he knows where Damien is. He pointed upstairs and told him blue door. Jon entered with a knock and immediately tried to tackle the youngest Wayne.

He heard a cough coming from the bed and out of the corner of his eye he could see a worried Kaldur rushing to male with jet black hair and sea green eyes whispering "what do you need m'lord". Percy nodded and spoke he needed water. So Kaldur rushed out of the room and didn't stop when Dick called him.

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