Lotus Strip club

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for The Lotus all inclusive dancers, led by our number one nominee for top Alpha Yuuu Kanadaaaa!" The announcer screamed. The curtain opened. There were seven people on stage standing in a v formation. They all had their heads down, long sleeved western style shirts and jeans with black boots donned their bodies. In this way you couldn't tell who was male or female. The front man began to roll his hips.

He bent his knee with the beat he tapped his foot. He rolled his hips around to get the other foot going. Those behind him followed his moves. When his head came up there were cheers from both sexes in the audience. To say the guy was good looking was like saying Michael was just an angel.

The long black silky hair was tied back in a pony tail. He pulled it out to allow the silken mass to frame his strong angular face. It cascaded down around his strong lean shoulders. The crowd was swarming the stage screaming the guys name. It didn't matter that there were several others mimicking his moves behind him.

As the tempo of the song picked up, the others began to spread out along the stage. The guy moved forward. His body in constant motion with the beat of the music. It wasn't just his hips and legs, he was moving his entire body to it. They began to do some acrobatics and gymnastic flips and moves. At a high point in the music, they all ripped off their shirts. The guys were bare chested revealing strong lean muscles. The front man was by far the most well defined in that area. The girls had on skimpy bras that hardly covered anything, but supported them enough to do the dance moves.

Then, they all lined up in front of the stage. As a group they ripped off their pants. The scream rivaled the music at how loud it was getting. Each person had on a different colored skimpy bikini bottom type undergarment. People were pushing and shoving each other in the crowd to reach the guys waist to shove money into his strap. The guy looked like he wanted to murder them all. His hips continued to move, he let his hair fly around his body like some weapon of beauty. As the group danced in front, poles shot out of the ground behind them. The dancers did back flips. The other six flipped until they were behind the pole. The lead dancer flipped, catching the pole as he spun around it.

He held his body perfectly perpendicular to the pole. Flipping and spinning he did splits, lunges and other dance moves that showed of his athletic body. His ability was simply amazing. The crowd loved it all.

"Since this is your first night, you can gawk at Kanda, after this, just know that while he dances, we get to clean and restock." The pale faced man who was watching the dancers turned his head. The bar manager, a young female name Lenalee, was training him tonight.

"Oh, ok. I'm sorry." It had taken him a lot to tear his eyes from the wonderful body on display, but he was here to work, not gawk at some alpha who wouldn't ever give him the time of day.

Allen quickly got back to doing what he was supposed to be doing. Tonight he was training so he wasn't responsible for getting drinks. He just needed to keep the dishes clean and the fridge stocked. He scooped up the grey bin and went out to the crowd. Walking from table to table he collected the empty glasses. Every so often he glanced at the stage. The dancer was mesmerizing. Allen liked what he saw of the guy. The other dancers were good, they just didn't have the same eye catching ability the alpha did.

Allen turned away when he found himself starring again. He finished his sweep of the tables. Carrying the heavy filled bin back to the kitchen he saw the dancers leave the stage the crowd was crying out the name of Kanda. Allen started washing up the cups and plates. The chef Jerry yelled at him about watching Kanda.

"Everyone is drawn to him!" He laughed. "I'm telling you it will be a sad day when that boy finds his mate!" Jerry howled. Allen chuckled. He liked the over loud cook. Jerry was always talking, he didn't care if anyone listened to him or not. Allen found it a fun way to pass the time. He washed the dishes listening to Jerry's stories.

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