Last night of moon craze

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Allen shut the water off. He touched his stomach. Of course it was still flat. The idea that Kanda's child grew inside him made him shiver. The mere recollection of it's creation making the omega thirst for the alpha. He pulled a towel down. It was already afternoon.

They had one more night. Allen sighed burying his face in the towel. Would he have ever known Kanda was his mate if it hadn't been for the moons pull? How had Kanda not realized this would happen? Allen shook his head. His phone dinged, he had just charged it. Sliding the screen to unlock, he saw the text. He poked it.

"On your doorstep, got coffee and donuts, let me in!" Allen laughed. He wrapped the towel around his thin waist.

Walking out to the door he glanced around. Kanda had taken down the shambles of their little love nest. The alpha having destroyed most of it during the night. The tall lean alpha had gone out, that's all he said to Allen. He was going out, but would be back soon. Allen had shrugged stating he would shower.

Now, Allen opened the door. Lavi was in the middle of saying something when the scent washed over him. He hissed out a low growl. His head swinging around to see the omega standing there. Another, softer growl answered the first. Allen smirked.

"Come on in." He said.

"He told you, I see." Lavi stepped through the door. The scent of their mating filled the air. He snorted.

"Damn, he smells good." Lavi commented heading to the table.

"No, he didn't tell me. How long have you known?" Allen demanded.

"Since the first night." Krory stated as he placed the items in his hand down on the table as well. They turned to look back at Allen.

"I figured it out." Allen muttered. Lavi snorted. His hand reached out to flick the wet hair away. There on the others neck was the tell tale sign that Allen had been chosen, mated and marked. Lavi's thumb brushed over the punctured wound.

"He marked you, so soon." It sounded more like he was talking to himself than those with him.

"I believe he forgot about the full moon." Allen muttered. He turned away.

"Let me get..." the door slammed open. The growl was deep and long. Arms snatched Allen out of the kitchen. He was flung back, behind the hulking alpha.

"Relax." Lavi snorted. He casually sauntered up to the table. Sitting down he looked up at the dark alpha.

"We weren't doing anything. Just brought food." He pointed to the desserts on the table.

"It's late." Kanda hissed.

"We will be gone before nightfall." Lavi insisted. He separated the coffee cups.

"Get dressed." Kanda kissed Allen's head. His hand brushing over the boy's stomach. Allen smirked. He kissed Kanda back, before walking away.

Kanda moved to the table. "Why are you here?" he asked.

"To check on Allen. Honestly we thought you would have holed yourself up somewhere, until the moons effect had worn off." Lavi stated. Kanda snarled. He snatched his coffee out of the other alpha's hand.

"Two alpha's come to an omega's house during the moon craze? You don't think that is a bit suspicious?" Kanda hissed.

"Kanda, they said they will be gone before the moons pull becomes to strong. It's the last night any way." Allen had returned. He wore a black tank top over lose fitting pants. Kanda's eyes drank in the sight. He bit at his lip.

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