Top Alpha

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Allen had to work that night. Kanda gave him a ride to the club, on the blasted motorcycle. This time it wasn't so bad. Allen found himself being more relaxed around the tall dark haired male. He felt safer with him. It scared him a little as there had never been anyone in his life, aside from Manna, he ever felt safe with.

When they got to the club, Kanda held out his hand, Allen slipped his damaged one into it. This was another thing, Kanda hadn't freaked out when he saw Allen without his gloves on. He had stood silently watching as Allen dried his hair from the shower. He then came up to the white haired male and took his hand. Kanda had stroked the reddened burned area that traveled up Allen's arm, across his shoulder and scared part of his face. Allen had watched him.

There had been many emotions that had flirted across the handsome face. Anger, fear, pain, sadness, but not once had the samurai looked disgusted! This had shocked Allen the most. In his slow drawn speech, Kanda had asked what happened. Allen found himself telling him the truth. Cross had tried to boil him alive one night in his drunken outrage. Kanda had turned away. Allen had seen just a fraction of his face before he had. No one had ever looked more deadly to him. For some reason, it had pleased him to see that.

Now Kanda took his battered hand. Allen had the gloves on again. Kanda kissed his fingers before carefully sliding him off of the bike. That was another thing Allen had noted about Kanda, he was gentle with him. Not like he thought Allen would break, but more like he didn't want to see him hurting.

Kanda had walked with him inside. There he all but passed him off to Johnny, who Allen hadn't met yet. Johnny introduced himself as the best dishwasher here. He had an easy laugh.

"You have to tell him what you are." Kanda informed him. Johnny blinked dumb founded up at the tall slender dancer.

"What I... ?" Johnny looked confused.

"He can't tell just by meeting you. Allen is an omega who has some..." Kanda paused. Allen knew he didn't want to call him out for having brain damage.

"I have a traumatic brain injury. It keeps me from sensing what you are, Alpha, beta or omega." Allen explained. He smiled fondly at Kanda. "It's OK you can tell people I have a brain injury. I don't really mind." He explained. Kanda huffed.

"You're special, that's all they need to know." He growled before heading back to the dancers dressing room. Johnny was a beta, Allen thanked him.

"So, you and Kanda. Damn I never thought..." A hand slapped over his mouth. Lavi laughed loudly

"Look at the time, Allen shouldn't you be getting the rest of the tables set up, it's the big day after all!" Lavi laughed. Allen chuckled he liked the loud mouthed red head. Today was the day the club would announce the winner of the number one Alpha. Allen found out they did this once a year. Whoever won got to lead the club for the year. They were the head dancer, they had the most dances and they got to pick the music or feel for the club for the following year.

Since it was a special day, they were making candle lit centerpieces and non flammable table cloths mandatory for each table. After Lavi spoke to Johnny, he came to find Allen. The small male was placing the centerpieces on the tables. Someone had already put out the cloths.

"See, Kanda has won this contest every year since he came here. Which was three and half years ago!" Lavi muttered fixing the crushed flowers on one piece.

"I've been trying to steal it from him for the past two years. Ugh, I hate that so many of these mindless horny idiots like the strong silent type!" He complained. Allen laughed.

"I'm sure you can do it. Just poke one of their eyes out!" He laughed.

"Ass!" Lavi snickered as Allen delighted in laughing at him. Lavi had to hurry back to get ready.

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