Moon lust

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After lunch, Kanda let Allen wonder around. He was content just being in the small males presence. Allen liked to look in windows. Whenever Kanda offered to go inside the shop with him, Allen would decline and move on.

That was until they came to the pet store. Allen was obsessed with the cats in the window. Kanda didn't even bother to ask him if he wanted to go inside. He stepped up to the door, pulling it open. Stepping inside, Kanda went to the window display. Allen gaped at him from the other side. Kanda began to point to the six cats individually trying to determine which one Allen wanted. That's when he saw it.

It was just a tiny thing. It's face and most of its back was a deep grey. The rest went to lighter grey, ending in white around its butt and tail. The things back legs were twisted at a strange angle. It made the cat stand in a u shape. Allen had his gloved hand pressed to the glass right beside it. The small kitten was trying hard to rub against the pale hand. Kanda picked the cat up.

Allen dashed inside. "Don't hurt it!" He cried. The kitten was snuggling under Kanda's chin. It's small head butted up against his. Kanda stroked it's back. When the cat saw Allen, it let out a soft mewing sound. It stretched one grey paw out to him. Allen moved, placing his hand on Kanda's arm. The kitten covered it with its paw as it's louder purring increased.

"Kanda, can we..." Allen began. The kitten slipped down, booping its nose against Allen's. Carefully, Allen pulled it into his arms. The purring got even louder as it mewed and rubbed against the pale scarred face.

"We want this one." Kanda spoke to some one walking by. They turned a smile on their face. It slipped when they saw which cat Allen held.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, but that one is injured. He isn't suppose to be out here. We can't adopt him."

"Find a way because we aren't leaving without it." Kanda stated. The woman looked perplexed. She went to get the manager.

"I'm afraid that one may not survive. Its badly injured. We don't know how it got out here." The manager said.

"If it needs care, we can take better care of it than you can. He wants it. It looks to me like that kitten wants him too." Everyone turned to see Allen and the cat engrossed in each other.

"Let him have the cat." A voice spoke from the back hall. Kanda turned to see Tidal walking in the back door.

"You have ties here?" he asked.

"I do some volunteering from time to time." Tidal stated.

"General Tidal, I don't think..."

"Its ok. That boy will take better care of the cat than you can. Also the cat will do better in a loving home. Look how happy it is." Tidal stated. The woman sighed. She went and got the paper work. Giving Kanda a card of the vet who had been caring for the kitten. They didn't charge an adoption fee.

Allen spent he rest of his money on supplies for the cat. He bought a litter box, blanket, toys, food and an assortment of snacks and treats. One thing he spent quite a bit on was an out door play mat. They were told the little kitten didn't walk well and couldn't run at all. Instead of putting it in a box to take home, Allen bought a see through back pack. He placed the kitten in it then put the straps on so the cat was settled on his chest. Kanda carried the bags as they went home.

"What are you going to name it?" Kanda asked.

"Lotus." Allen answered.

"Fitting." Kanda agreed.

When they got home they set up an area of the living room for Lotus. Placing his food to one side and the litter pan on the other. A small cat bed was put between them. Allen then took the play mat and went out to the garden. He put it out under a tree. Sitting down beside one of the many ponds, he placed little Lotus on it. He played with the cat jiggling a dangling toy before its little face.

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