A day out

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Three days later, Allen was off. His room was set up and he had unpacked what little belongings he had. Kanda came walking out of the bathroom. He saw Allen standing in his favorite spot, the window over looking the garden. Allen was wearing the same grey jeans, white shirt with a blank tank top, that he had on the night Kanda met him. It was the third time, in a week, he had it on.

"I have some money saved, you need more than two outfits to wear." Kanda stated. Allen turned at the sound of his voice.

"I'm good." Kanda found Allen never asked for anything.

"Look, you can pay me back or not, I really don't care, but you need more clothes. Come on." He said.

Kanda locked the apartment up, once he got Allen out of it. He walked out toward the road. Allen hurriedly followed him.

"Were not taking the car?" He asked.

"Don't need it." Kanda replied. He lead the way down the sidewalk. "Have you eaten today?" He asked. Allen looked away. Unless Kanda made him, or Jerry did, Allen hardly ate. Kanda knew from watching him, he was always hungry. Kanda pulled him over to an outdoor coffee cart. He ordered a coffee for each of them. Then got a bunch of sandwiches in a bag. As they walked, Kanda handed Allen one sandwich at a time.

"Here." Kanda pointed to a store Allen was about to walk by. He stopped, finished the last sandwich as Kanda opened the door. Allen glanced around. The only stores he had been in were grocery or liquor stores. The clothes he had were whatever his master had thrown at him when he last remembered to get him anything. Kanda was by a bunch of tank tops on the table.

"What's your favorite color?" Kanda asked.

"Blue." Allen replied without a thought. His head jerked around. No that wasn't right! He always liked red just like Manna. Kanda lifted his deep blue eyes up to look at Allen. Allen felt his mouth fall open. He snapped it shut.


"Short stack!" Kanda teased. Allen huffed. He turned away. No. Kanda knew what was up with him. If Kanda was his mate, he would tell him, right? Absentmindedly Allen reached out to touch a long black coat. He was thinking how graceful Kanda would look in it. The silver of the buttons would offset his dark attributes.

"You like that?" Kanda was beside him.

"Oh, uh no I was thinking it would look really good on you." Allen let his hand drop.

"Yeah it would." Kanda moved the hangers until he found his size. "How about we get matching ones." He suggested. He eyed Allen's shorter body. "Hmm. Medium maybe." He muttered to himself. He fished the size out and thrust it at Allen.

"Try it on." He commanded.

Allen slipped his arms into it. He pulled it around him. It fit perfectly. Kanda smirked.

"It looks good." He commented Allen beamed up at him. Kanda watched him with his dark closed eyes. Allen tilted his head.

"What?" He asked.

"Why did you say my name earlier?" Kanda asked. Allen sighed.

"It was nothing. I was just being stupid." Allen took the jacket off to hand back to Kanda.

"Moyashi, nothing you do is stupid. If you want to know something, just ask." Kanda said. Allen sighed he turned away.

How could he ask Kanda if he was his mate? That sounded so... desperate. No, Kanda was just a friend. Someone who was being nice to him. Allen walked away. He went to where there were a stack of different colored pants. He selected a few. Kanda came up beside him.

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