Strip off

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One month later. Allen stood in the hot sun. His stomach wasn't showing much, but if he pressed his hand to it, he swore he felt that it was harder. He smiled. As he watched the workers around the park doing their thing.

"What is that evil smirk for?" a voice called. Allen turned. He hadn't seen his twin in nearly a month. They had spent a few days together when Komui first came up with this plan, but since then, things had gone into overdrive.

Kanda and the other dancers worked after hours to come up with a routine that would beat anything they had ever done, or so they said. Also, every single one of them swore of sex for the month. Their reasoning being that if they were hungry for it, it would make the crowd that much more hungry for them. This was a punishment Allen didn't like. He tried hard not to pressure Kanda. Even found ways to please himself when the alpha wasn't around.

Allen, too was busy. Lenalee helped him clear out his room. They painted it and were looking at different things they wanted in the nursery. She even insisted on baby proofing their home now, so the adults got used to it. It was a pain, but Lenalee insisted it was for the best.

At work, Allen worked the easy shifts. He no longer had to carry anything. Johnny or one of the other bus boys were always at his side to help. He found this quite ridiculous, but everyone insisted. Allen had no choice. It wasn't like this baby was just his and Kanda's any more. It was everyone's and they all had a say in what was going to happen with it.

After weeks of planning, preparing and worrying, it was finally time for the strip off. They had decided to hold the contest in the park. Inviting several packs from around the area to come and participate. They had five judges. Lenalee, Komui, Earl Noah and Tryde Noah and an impartial fifth judge, an Alpha from the central clan of wolves. He came out to make this all official. Whichever team won, would have to give up Nea. Allen was nervously watching as the official appeared surrounded by the Noah clan. He didn't look thrilled with them.

The sixth judge, if you could call it that, would be the audience. They would applauded for their favorite dance after each segment. There would be four segments, singles, couples, group and single pole. Kanda was dancing in all of them. This had Allen worried. What if the judge didn't like that? What if Kanda got to worn out? What if...? What if...? Kept running through his head every time he looked at the stage.

Allen turned away to face the darker haired boy standing behind him. "Nea, I'm surprised Tidal let you out." Allen hugged his twin.

"Yeah, he says I should be safe." He rolled his eyes. "Also, I guess, the judge wanted to see me to make sure he brought me here or something." He added.

"Oh, I just saw him a moment ago. He looks scary." Allen shivered.

"Don't worry, Kanda and Lavi have this locked down, I'm sure of it." Nea's smile looked all but sure. Allen grinned punching him in the arm.

"Come on, I have to finish setting up my station." He said.

"Wait, you're working?" Nea looked surprised.

"Yes. I agreed to help out!" Allen chuckled.

"Um, Allen, I uh, um well I was hoping you would watch um with me." Nea looked nervous now.

"You will be right above me." Allen beamed. He led the other boy over to where his cage was set up. There was a drink station under it. "See!" Allen beamed.

"Wait, there are two of them?" a voice spoke from behind the boys.

"Allen is a bartender for the Lotus." Komui answered the question. Allen and Nea turned. The man's furrowed brows drew tighter together. His long blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail. He was no where near as handsome as Kanda, in Allen's opinion.

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