The Noah Family

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"Komui Lee, I don't believe we have been formally introduced yet." The man stood before Allen. He had a friendly smile, his eyes danced happily behind wired glasses. He wore a white hat, white coat and grey turtle neck over tan pants.

"Um, no sir." Allen muttered taking his hand. He shook it quickly, two or three pumps max then let go. That's what Master taught him.

"Well, Allen Walker, I've been hearing good things about you. My sweet Lenalee tells me you saved our big contract." He beamed at Allen like a proud father. Kanda growled beside the white haired male.

"Sister complex." He muttered only loud enough for Allen to over hear. Allen snickered.

"Well, Kanda, you wished to see me?" Komui looked over at the dark countenance.

"The Noah's know him." Kanda snapped.

"Oh dear." Komui rested his chin in his hand. "Have you had dealings with them?" He asked Allen.

"Um, well Master he uh, he taught me to play cards. I'm really good at it and um well none of them know how I cheat. They just assume I do because I never lose." Allen told him.

"I won Master a lot of money in their casino a few years back. I haven't seen them since. But Skinn, well he..."

"He thinks Allen has a debut owed to them." Kanda hissed.

Komui glanced between the two men. They were all standing in the hall outside of the kitchens at the Lotus club. Komui's eyes narrowed as he saw how earnest Kanda was over the smaller male at his side. It was worrisome to note that Kanda hadn't left the boys side since they came in.

"I see. Your worried for young Allen, Kanda?" Komui stated.

"Yes, I um well sir I promised to protect him." Kanda hedged.

"I see." Komui repeated. "Well, Allen will be bartending tonight. I will place Noise with him. Will that satisfy you?" Komui turned to Kanda.

"Thank you sir." Kanda answered bowing slightly to him.

"No need, I am finding Allen to be quite the center of entertainment around here." Komui chuckled.

"Stupid rabbit!" Kanda snarled.

"Honestly, Kanda you broadcast it to everyone." Komui chuckled. "Well, everyone that knows you." He reached out to ruffle Allen's hair. "You certainly are special Allen Walker." With that said, Komui left them.

A few minutes later Noise found Allen. "Hey, I hear you're with me tonight." The blind man announced. He grasped Kanda's arm tightly. Leaning in to the dark handsome man's face, Allen heard him whisper. "Don't worry, I won't take my ears off of him."

"I owe you." Kanda responded. He clapped Noise on the back before nodding to Allen. Kanda headed back to the dancers room.

"He really is nice." Allen muttered a smile on his face as he watched Kanda walk away. Allen went to check the bar.

Johnny had it mostly stocked already. Allen spent the time before the club opened helping the short nerdy dish washer to finish up. Wherever Allen went, Noise Marie was only a few steps away. Allen found this a little unsettling, but was also grateful.

The doors opened and hungry, thirsty people dive bombed the bar. Allen was on the far right side, Lenalee took center and Reever was on the left. Allen had bartender parties for Master before. It was nothing like this. Angry drunk people shouting out their orders. He barely had time to glance at the stage all night. He felt like his arms were lead weights with the amount of beer he handed out, the drinks he had to shake and pour, all the while under Noise's watchful presence. He missed Kanda's dances, never saw that Lavi actually took over one, nor did Allen notice the slight shift near the end of the night. Those working around him, were tense, but he was exhausted.

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