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Ava's POV

I remember college/grades 11&12 like the back of my hand. It was the best time of my life. I did whatever and got away with it all. I created close friendships and found my first love. Things are different now, way different. My life is just a spinning circle of crap.

I use to dominate my school back when I was a teen. I did well, but I was a rascal, a complete rebel. Teachers hated me - including the rest of the administrators - but they all had respect for me. Coming from a broken home, I was a pretty good student when it came to academics. Anything other than that, I was a total bad ass.

I'd rob stores with my friends, get high from time to time, spray paint graffiti, drink liquor, go clubbing, and basically anything that was fun and illegal. All the boys drooled over me and all the girls hated me, but of course they all wanted to be my friend. I had some true friends, but not many. The closest one I had was a guy, and he was also my first love.

He goes by the name Jay McGuiness. His full name is James Noah Carlos McGuiness. If you haven't already guessed, he's the curly haired geek from that boy band, The Wanted. You'd think I'd go around telling everyone that I use to date him and all, but it would be the most embarrassing thing ever. It would just ruin my reputation. It shouldn't matter, because I'm crap now, but still. I'm against boy bands, so I sure as hell wouldn't want people to think I dated a loser from one, especially because of the way people view me around my neighbourhood.

Back when we were teens, he was still pretty much a bit of a geek. Him and I lived two completely different lives and still do. We would have never met each other if it weren't for that time at a random corner store I found that was around his neighbourhood. My father had kicked me out of the house for breaking who knows what. I spent two days with nowhere to go. I was only fourteen and was still innocent.

I was starving, had no money, and it was absolutely freezing. It wasn't exactly that cold since it was fall, but in my condition it was. All I'd been doing was walking around and my body couldn't take it anymore. I found a corner store and entered it. I went all the way to the back where all the snacks and beverages were. I got a bag of chips/crisps and a bottle of soda. Right when I was about to stuff them inside my coat, I heard a voice behind me.

"What are you doing?" I quickly stopped and turned around in fear.

"No need to be scared. I just thought you should know that there are a bunch of cameras around here. You'd never get away with that stuff," Jay said.

"I uh, I uh." I took a deep gulp still frightened of what was to come.

"I'll buy those for you if you want."

I shook my head. "I've seen you walking around here for the past couple of days. Something tells me you don't have a place to stay"he said.

"No, I do... I've just been kicked out temporarily."


"Dad problems."

"Well you don't deserve this, so let me buy these for you. It's the least I could do."

I glanced down at the contents in my hands. I felt bad that he'd offered to purchase them for me. He looked my age and probably wanted to use his money for I don't know, whatever pleasured fourteen year old boys at the time. I nodded and handed the crisps and soda to him. We walked up to the register and he paid for the stuff. He handed them to me in a bag and smiled. "Merry Christmas!" he said.

I laughed at him and thanked him. Christmas wasn't coming around anytime soon, because it was October.

He walked me out and I put out my hand to shake his so we could part ways. "You want to get rid of me that badly?" he asked. I shook my head.

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