Chapter Ten

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Ava's POV

There I was in a parking lot with Lionel and his gang in Glasgow. It was two in the morning and we were plotting how to take down the motherfuckers who killed Angelica. That gang was known as Bones. They weren't creative enough with their name, but they were creative enough to concoct a plan to have the murder pinned on Lionel.

"I've contacted the head of the gang, Jackson," Lionel started. "We'll be meeting them at an abandon warehouse not too far from here tomorrow night. That's when the brawl will go down.

"These arseholes have been breathing our air for far too long. They've lurked around our city, made business with our customers, and now they've killed one of my dearest employees. So, to that I say good riddance. They will not be barking up this tree anymore.

"So, my brothers, what do you say? Are you ready to take these guys down?"

"Yeah!" they all yelled and cheered.

"That's what I wanna here! Let's all go and rest. We'll regroup here tomorrow and prepare our ammunitions."


Lionel, a few of his men, and I were staying at a cozy little motel for the night. He came to my room and displayed a collection of guns, rifles, and daggers on my bed.

"Two guns and one dagger. Choose whichever you want."

I chose the smallest gun to fit into my boot. Then I chose whichever gun felt right in my hand. For the dagger, I chose what felt the sharpest.

"Great selections," he commended. He wrapped up what was left. "Are you sure you still want to do this?"

"What have I got to lose?"

"Friends, and maybe that guy who showed up at your place the other day."

"I've only got one friend who's better off without me. And that guy you speak of, he's no one."

"Really? He seemed like someone dear to you."

"How would you even be able to tell?"

"I couldn't hear much, but your discussion seemed pretty heated at some point, and I saw him hand you a bracelet."

"Well, he's no one. I don't see why you would care."

"Honestly, I could care less about anyone in your life, I just ..."

"You what?"

"I don't want to lose you, too."

"What do you mean lose me? You were only helping me out for a bit, remember?"

"I know. I just figured we were friends now or something. I guess it was wrong of me to assume that." He plopped down on the bed. "I mean, look at me," he said while throwing his hands up in the air. I'm the chief of a drug cartel," he laughed. It wasn't any laugh. It was those sad laughs that made you pity a person, because you knew they were really hurting inside.

"I never wanted any of this. I hate living in the shadows and doing illegal marketing. I want to be a lawyer and make an honest living, maybe start a family and live in a middle class suburb. It was all I ever wanted, and now look at me."

"I am looking at you." I sat down next to him. "And I see a good person, who's misunderstood and lost. If you want to be friends, we can be friends. I simply don't want the crazy part of your life intertwined with mine any longer."

"I understand. So, friends it is?" He offered me his hand.

"Friends it is." I placed mine in his and we shook on it.

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