Chapter 3

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Play the song when ever 😵‍💫 byeee~~


Chuuya pov

March 11th 2012
Location: Rose bar

Where in the entire fuck is this girl at.
It's almost midnight and I don't want to see that idiot dazai right now. He always shows up when I'm on a mission. She needs to hurry up.
I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see that idiot dazai.
Chuuya: You.

Dazai: Hiiiii~ Chuuya you missed me?

Chuuya: No, why are you here?
Dazai: Getting a drink duh.
Chuuya: Ok. Get your drink and leave.
I rolled my eyes
Dazai: Aww you hate me that much.
Chuuya: Yes with a passion.


(Y/n) pov
I slice the guys neck. Injected insulin under he's tongue and put him in a dumpster and set him on fire. The port mafia will take care of the police and news reporters though.
I went in the bar and saw chuuya and dazai arguing the usual with them together. I sighed and went over there.
Chuuya: You bastard-
(Y/n): Hey chuuya I'm back
I smiled
Chuuya: Your luck y/n here
Dazai: Thanks y/n he was going to hit me
He said in his dramatic voice.
(Y/n): You're welcome
Chuuya: You ready to go-
     To the bartender
(Y/n): Can I get a pina colada to go?
Bartender: yes ma'am
(Y/n): Thank you. what were you saying chuuya?
Chuuya: Never mind. How was the mission?
(Y/n): Good he's burning in the dumpster outside.
I said while looking at my nails
Chuuya laughed
Dazai: Belladonna did I ever tell you that I love you.
He looked at me in awe
(Y/n): Yes all the time but I have a boyfriend dazai.
He sighed
Dazai: Yea I know. But I'll still be here.When you and him break up.
He winked at me
I laughed

(y/n): Ok dazai.

I rolled my eyes at him


I got my pina colada and chuuya was ready to go. So we left while dazai stayed to have his midnight drink or whatever.
I looking out the window looking at all the trees passing by and looking at the moon. Suddenly my phone ringing. It was Keith. I wander why he didn't call me all day. I picked up the phone.

On phone:
(Y/n): Hi baby
Keith: Hey sweetheart
(Y/n): What were you doing all day?
Keith: I was working. It was a long shift.
(Y/n): I was worried about you. But ok. What are you doing now? I was thinking about coming over and having some fun.
Keith: Oh baby well I'm tired for work can we do it tomorrow.
(Y/n): Yea we can.
Keith: ok bye baby love you
(Y/n): bye I love you too
End call

After the call I was wandering why he didn't say "I love you" we always say "I love you". He been acting weird lately.

Chuuya pov
I noticed y/n mind was some where else and wanted to see what was wrong. After hearing their crony conversation.
Chuuya: Y/n are you ok?
(Y/n): Yea.
Chuuya: You sure?
(Y/n): Yea I'm ok chuuya.
Chuuya: Ok


(Y/n) pov
(Y/n): Thanks for the ride
Chuuya: You're welcome. Be safe
(Y/n): I will bye
Chuuya: Ok bye
He drove off and I went inside my apartment.


I showered,ate,brushed my teeth,and went to go lay down.
(Y/n): Finally I get to sleep.

I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

One sided love (port mafia Dazai x black reader)Where stories live. Discover now