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"Ugh finally you picked up! What the heck were you doing??"

"W-what do you mean ?"

"I have called nearly 20 times till now and you picked up now!!...i was this close you rescue you from you own home you know"

You chuckled hearing his nagging. It was as if you forgot why you were so lost.

"What is it Minnie??" You exclaimed finding he is never gonna stop until you ask him yourself!

"Oh__yeah so I-i was wondering__let's meet!"

He finally said after shuttering 10 times in one sentence.

"Ohk...but why are you so tensed about it!! everything okay...I mean"

"Yeah yeah everything is fine... it's just we haven't meet for a long now i thought you will find it ....... awkward you know..HAHA!"

You chuckled hearing his cute blabbering.

"I can never get awkward with you minnie! are too cute for that"

You heard him coughing from his side which brought a teasing smile on your face. Oh how he manage to bring every possibility to make you smile without even trying. Jungkook was also used to do that.

The thought of him instantly earsed that smile on you face. You face was again stern emotionless.

"Hey...are you there!"

" where and when"

"You don't seem excited tho!"

He said and you swear you can imagine a tiny pout on his lips.

"I am superrrr will you tell me!?"

You said with a clam and tried to be cheerful voice.

"Sure... I'll text you soon"

"See you"


"Why is your face so red??" The boy sitting there on the couch more like he had hijacked the couch since 4 hours now asked the boy who was blushing mess as if his high school crush just noticed him.

"Not-nothing" he replies while clearing his throat.

"She said yes...just tell the place and time I'll text her" the other nodeed handling him the require details he asked.

"You messed up a big time you know that right!?" The other one nodded already regretting his actions. He was too embarrassed to even call you. So he thought of taking help of yours and his common friend more like his bestfriend after you Park Jimin.

"I know...and i don't even know what's my fault in this...she is just so difficult to understand sometimes!!" The boy groan in frustration pulling his own hair then rubbing his eyes.

Jimin signed and rubbing his temple.

"You just need to talk that's it!"

"Yeah I know"


Time skip:-

"What a nice cafe... haha" Jimin tried to start conversation for the nth time but stoped his without humourous laugh when he found the girl opposite to him sending glare.

"Wasn't it suppose to us!!....why is he here?

"Umm...i thought you both need to sort some things brought him along with me" Jimin mumbled completely knowing that you are not gonna buy his lie and he is still terrible in leing.

"Let someone gather his shit himself Jimin! don't need to do that everytime"

You exclaimed completely knowing that it was Jungkook's plan but still it hurts that there awkwardness which you hated between you and him. You clearly wanted him to start conversation this time. You wanted him to make efforts. You wanted him to show you how important you are to him not just tell you that!

You started conversing with Jimin hoping Jungkook would say something but he never did.

All he did was to dial a number and started talking on the call. You were very well aware who it was. And it hurted you!

Hurted you that he chose his ego over you. Well you did the same. But it was his fault this time. His time to show he cared. His time to make you know that you are precious. But he failed.

His ego failed him.

☞ Replaced  •|Jungkook Ft. Jimin|•Where stories live. Discover now