Safe and Sound

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Jude's POV
"Connor?" Jude asked as they walked up he steps of his home as quietly as they possibly could.
"Yeah Jude?" Once they closed the door of his room, they noticed that Jesus wasn't there. He must have been at Emma's house or maybe staying with a friend from the wrestling team.
"Tha...thank you Connor." Jude flew into Connor's arms and began to cry again, trying to be quiet.
"Jude, I'm always here for you, ok? Best friends."

They both quickly changed into their pajamas and jumped into Jude's bed. Though the last time they slept together was at the camping trip and ended up causing some unnecessary insecurity between the two of them regarding their friendship and where it was headed, they couldn't imagine sleeping that night in different beds. Jude needed Connor's security and Connor needed to hear Jude breathing, confirming he was safe and sound.

Once they both got under the covers, Connor turned to face Jude. Jude could tell Connor was shivering slightly and had no facade to cover his nervousness. "You ok Connor?" Jude whispered.
"Yeah...I just wish this could happen more often. ...the us spending time together part." They both smiled. "Jude, I'm sorry but I have to do this." Connor slowly took his right hand and cradled Jude's chin and looked right into his eyes. Before he knew it, they were touching noses and he closed the gap between their lips.

Connor had kissed Jude before at their camping trip, and once again, after a fight, but this was different. That was an urge that just transpired into reality, where this was a need. Connor needed to kiss Jude; he needed to start opening up to the possibility of maybe liking Jude more than a friend. Though he was scared of the thought, jumping in head first was really the only way Connor knew how to do things. After a few minutes of gentle kisses where he caressed Jude's bottom lip in between his, Connor pulled away, looked into Jude's eyes and kissed him on the forehead. He tugged at Jude's t-shirt and Jude must have known what he was thinking, because all of a sudden Jude rested his head in between Connor's arm and chest and it was exactly what Connor wanted.

"Con...Connor...more than friends?" Jude whimpered. Before Connor could respond, both boys fell asleep, unyielding in their position, enjoying the comfort of each other too much to make a move.

Connor made sure he was there when Jude woke. Jude slept soundly, which surprised Connor as he figured it would be difficult to sleep after everything that happened. He assumed it was due to exhaustion, and dismissed the thought because the idea of Jude in danger isn't something he wanted to revisit.

Jude's breathing started to twitch, and in a few moments found himself looking right into Connor's eyes, which were open and attentive. Without hesitation, Jude leaned forward and pressed against Connor's lips. Connor at first was slightly startled, but quickly reciprocated and rested his free hand around Jude's side. He pulled him closer and they continued to brush up against each other's bottom lips. It was a few minutes before Jude pulled away, and he didn't go too far; he immediately shoved himself back into Connor's body, specifically his chest, which he had become very familiar with throughout the night. He began tracing the pattern of his shirt with his fingers, gently rubbing his face into Connor's chest.

"Connor, I don't want you to go, but I know you have to get home before your parents freak out." Jude said in a fatherly fashion.
"I already texted my mom letting her know where I was. She wasn't happy but she said she understood." Connor explained, before placing a kiss on the top of Jude's head. "Wait...did you tell her what happened?" Jude asked slowly.
"Jude, I had to. She actually tried calling me earlier because in the middle of the night she noticed I wasn't in bed. She's not mad, ok? I promise." With that, Jude immediately got up and headed straight to the bathroom. "Jude...come back. You can't be mad at me, she would have called the police and then everyone would know!" Connor said sternly. Connor knew Jude wanted to keep things a secret for their sake, but he didn't really agree with it. He now knew he would be especially overprotective of Jude and already had plans of how to figure out who did this to him.

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