should i be upset?

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I knoww I said I was gonna update in a few days phones hate me and my old one decided to break in my hand 🥲👍🏾 so there's that and also just found out my bff and ex want to get together and idk if I told you guys but she literally turned all of my friends against me for doing the exact same thing to her even tho she said she wasn't mad. And btw these mfs never talk so wtf and out of the blue she asked me if she could go to a dance that my school is having with him and i was like 'girl aren't you going with so n so. And it's hella random that you'd pick HIM out of all people and don't u have a goddamn crush' but I kept that to myself because I didn't  wanna seem as if I cared too much. So I said I didn't care and that was that now fast forward like 2 days to today one of our mutual friends told me that my BFF and ex liked each other and I was idk if she likes him or if he's just assuming but last time I checked she liked someone else and if she does like you then wouldn't she be doing the exact same thing I did? And tbh her and i have been drifting away because she's kinda starting to annoy me with a lot of the stupid shit she does. And she does this thing where she dates someone and then pulls a so called 'Prank' on them where she breaks up with them bc she can't figure out her own feelings which is stupid. I'm really starting to consider cutting her off because wtf you acting different for what? And btw he said in the message that he doesn't want what happened to me and him happen to them like sir...YOU lost feelings and didn't bother to tell me what was up when i suspected in something about to go wrong. Smh I think i might start a venting book bc there is literally too much going on in my life but who's in the wrong bc I'm hella confused. My bad ya'll lol

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