When she finds out your secret talent

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It's unusual but you breathe fire well not actually but you learned how to do it by practising with your cousin Tai she was a fire-breather back in her day (no she's not an old lady) but she retired due to severe injuries in her mouth from putting fire in her mouth, You were hungry and you put a lit fire stick in your mouth you scared everyone and when you exhaled and a cloud of fire came out of your mouth other team's started clapping Emma, on the other hand, was so confused about why you would put a lit fire stick in your mouth.

You can stare for a long time, you were having a staring contest with Jo and your mind wandered while you kept starting at her Jo had given up "You win! I give up" she said as she scowled but you didn't answer you just kept staring "Hello!! Earth to Y/N!!" Jo said waving her hand in front of your face then Sierra shook you from behind and you came back to reality.

You can put lots of food in your mouth, you were doing the Chubby bunny challenge and you had 54 marshmallows in your mouth and after you got to 64 you couldn't say "LeShawna Rules the world" LeShawna was surprised that you could fit so many in your mouth.

You can lick your nose you and Lindsay went out for ice cream and you got some on your nose and licked it off "Woah how did you do that!" She asked "I don't know I guess my tongue is just long," you said while licking your ice cream not knowing you left Lindsay a blushing mess (uh oh 😳)

You can draw (idek) anime, You were just doodling in your sketchbook you didn't go to breakfast because Chef's food is plain shit and somehow no one noticed that you were gone except Gwen so she went looking for you she checked your cabin and stood behind you in awe she never knew you could draw so well she stayed there for a few minutes until you noticed her.

You took a photography class before you went on total drama world tour, so when you have time you take pictures of your friends and one day you took a photo of Kitty and she wanted to see it when she saw the picture she fell in love with it OMG. "OMG N/N THIS IS SO GOOD ITS BETTER THAN MY SELFIES!!" she shouted you blushed "HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD?!" she asked "I took photography classes," you said shyly "wow your so good maybe I should have you as my personal picture person!" She smirked you turned into a tomato "I guess I could do that"

You can put your legs behind your head, you were born without a pelvis, so you were stretching and you wanted to freak Dakota out so you put both of your legs behind your head and crawled towards her and tapped her leg she looked down and screamed: "BABE OMG WHAT HAPPENED!? DO YOU NEED ME TO CALL THE HOSPITAL!!?!" You tried to hold in your laughter but failed to do so you laughed and took your legs from behind your head and looked at her she was scared and confused "What??? How is that possible??" She asked "I was born without a pelvis," you said she took a moment to process what you just said, "Ohhh well can you teach me how to do that?" She said excitedly and now you guys are crawling with disoriented legs.


You practised archery when you were smaller, so when you were forced to shoot an apple from Heather's head you weren't scared at all but Heather, on the other hand, was MORTIFIED "Heather I'm gonna need you to hold still as best as you can as I do this okay?" You said calmly "I'll try but HOW ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THIS?!" She shouted "I'll show you" you smiled sweetly and closed your eyes as you let the arrow go and it landed in the apple you opened your eyes and walked towards Heather "I'm a master in archery sweet cheeks~," you said as you took the apple and ate it you walked away leaving Heather with a red face.


You can bend your fingers all the way back, You're double-jointed so it's kinda normal for you but when you tried to crack your fingers you bent them all thy way back and it made a LOUD crack sound which brought the attention of lots of people "What?" You asked people just stared at you Sky also stared at you but with confusion "How aren't they screaming from pain right now?!"

You can play the guitar

You can pick up really heavy things

You can hold your breath underwater for longer than a normal human can

You can read really fast, You were always a fast reader so when you checked out some library books for you and Zoey to read (because why not) you finished your books in 3 days and it took Zoey a week "How did you read the books so fast?" She asked as you guys walked to the library to drop the books off "I don't know I've always been a fast reader so I guess it just happens sometimes" you said shrugging and putting your books in the 'Return' slot "do you think you could teach me?" Zoey asked and you thought for a moment "I guess I could but explaining it will be hard" you said rubbing your neck "but you're a fast learner so maybe I could" you added Zoey's face lit up "Really! Yayyy thank you sooooo much Y/N!" She said kissing your cheek.

You can find old missing objects, You don't know how but whenever someone loses something you can always find it, Eva lost her MP3 player...again and tore up her whole room "Can you help me find my MP3 player?" She asked you when she had calmed down "Sure where did you have it last?" You asked "In my room" she answered you went up to her room and 5 minutes later you found it "Where was it?" She asked as you handed her the MP3 player "On your bed" you answered, "But I looked there!" She was so confused but at least she got her MP3 player back.

(I'm honestly not sure what talent is anymore what is the definition of talent? This is what happens when you have no more brain cells 👁👄👁)

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