his first thought of you

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"Oh someone moved across the street? So what they're just gonna call us rednecks like everybody else! Huh, their house is pretty big...wait they aren't calling us rednecks that's new...who's Y/N?...Woah s/he's HOT....wait I can't feel like this towards anyone!...but s/he is cute...I CANT JUST STARE AT HER/HIM LIKE THIS WE JUST MET!"

"Wait a girl is coming to the boy's corridor? Why what's wrong with the girls? Whatever it doesn't matter....woah is that the girl? she looks sexy....but she looks like a psychopath....she doesn't talk much well at least I won't get annoyed quickly....oh she likes causing trouble like me this girl is cool in my book."

" I wonder where Gwen is- wait who's playing the drums? Oh, it's the girl/boy from music class what's her/his name? Y/N? Yeah, that's her name....wows/he's really good at drumming and a/he's really pretty/Handsome...WAIT I can't think like that I'm with Gwen wait no I'm not...but I'm just being honest...annnnnd a/he saw me I hope I didn't scare her/him! Nope didn't scare her/him just made her/him feel awkward...great first impression Trent now s/he probably thinks I'm weird."

"I...cant...keep....up! Wait who's that cutie? Oh, s/he's coming over here oh I must look like a loser falling behind the others like this...s/he's not calling me weak...God, s/he's pretty even prettier than Lindsay and s/he's really pretty! Maybe I could flirt with her/im a little bit."


"Where is José I haven't seen him around anywh- wait who's crying in here? Huh Y/N what happened?! What did José do!? I'm going to kill him! Don't worry Y/N I will make sure he does nowhere near you."

Ughh where is my assistant at with my Coffee!? Oh, there s/he is it's about time I don't have all day I have a show to star in!! S/he's such an embarrassment!....but she is pretty cute though...and that's an actual compliment!"

"Ugh, where is F/B? They always move the shelf...this library is so unorganised...Ah found it! Who's hand is the- oh it's a girl/boy...why could an s/he like this book?...s/he's kinda cute though...WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING!?..wait did I just check out a book for a stranger? Oh my God, what is happening to me??"

"Okay Lighting time barbell time! 1....2...3...4- woah who is that hottie! S/he looks kina mad though maybe I could fix that~...Wows/he doesn't mind me Flexing in front of her/im everyone else just leaves....s/he special I like her/his and her/his looks are a plus I definitely wanna see her/him again Sha-Yeah!."

"Alright everyone is running at great spe- hold-up s/he's not!...looks like I pissed her/im off well too bad doesn't matter if your cute or not you have to keep up!!....did I just say cute?? That word has never been in my vocabulary before. No, I can't have feelings no soldier has feelings for a girl/boy!"

" All right time to 'Accidentally' go into the girl's hair salon but they won't mind since all the hairstylists love me~...ahh home sweet ho- wait who's that? Is s/he new? S/he's pretty cute and I mean it!... Oh my mother needs me back home See ya later ladies and especially you mysterious wo/man"

"Wow Zoey is pretty- Wait Wait WAIT who is that!? Zoey is pretty but s/he is the most GORGEOUS PERSON I HAVE EVER SEEN!! Wait for s/he's looking at me! Am I staring? I'm staring aren't I oh God s/he must think I'm weir- oh s-s/h-he waved at me oh God what do I do? I am so nervous right now!"

" Oooh, a new contestant to terrorise perfect for my plan!... I hate her/im always messing up my plans!...but s/he's hot though so ill let it slide this time!!....S/he has a temper...i as it s/he will be a great companion or maybe as my girl/boyfriend"

"Aye yo, dude, there's a girl/guy over there drowning! What's wrong with dis lifeguard!? I'll save the cutie myself!...okay how do I do dis?? Uh, lemme jus...Oh, that worked!! Thank god...dude I saved a hottie!...s/he's hugging me...why am I blushing!? Why is it heart beating so fast!?"

" Oh come on Noah why do you make your sister sound like such a gru- AHHH! Oh, it's just Y/N- woah s/he's hot! Wait why does s/he look angry? U-uh she's looking at me! Wait why is she looking do- oh is this her/his ice cream I thought this was Noah's!...okay ill ask next time o I have an excuse to talk to her/him again."

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