Who said 'I love you' first (Boys)

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He did, You were at your house watching a movie and said: "I love you Y/N" with a beet-red face you looked at him for a second laughed and kissed his forehead and said it back.

You did, You went to his football game and after the game was over you ran over to him and said: "That was an amazing game babe I Love you!" He was silent for a minute which scared you but he then kissed your cheek and said: "Sha-Lightning loves you too hot stuff" (I'm sorry-)

In the most awkward way, he did you were training with one of your friends when Brick came and said: Hello Private Y/N I have something important to tell you" "What is it, Brick?" You asked "Iloveyou!!" He said with his face as red as a firetruck you understood him though and said it back.

He did, It was his birthday so you went to an all you can eat buffet and let him eat whatever he wanted he had a mouth full of food when he blurted out "Thank you Y/N I love you!" You smiled softly and said it back.

You did, Chris had just gotten back from a meeting it was late but you decided to stay up so you knew he got home safe you are tired but still stood up late, about an hour later he came home and saw waiting for him "why are you still up?" He asked "I wanted to tell you that I love you," you said sleepily while rubbing your eye he chuckled and laid down next to you "I love you too even more than I love myself."

He did, You were helping out around the farm and suddenly you felt long arms snake around your waist, you knew straight away that it was Scott but what you didn't expect was when he said this: "I love you Y/N" he said in your ear so his parents wouldn't hear him you smirked and kissed his nose "I love you too softy now he back to work."

Believe it or no he did, you guys were just laying down reading like usual and then out of nowhere Noah asks: "Hey can I ask you a question?" You were still reading your book not knowing he was talking to you "Y/N" you still didn't answer he sighed and took the book from you "Hey! Give it back" You said in an annoyed tone "no" he said bluntly you pouted and he couldn't take your cuteness anymore "You're lucky I love you, you dork" he said as he gave you your book back you blushed and hid your face "I love you too Noah" you said quietly not wanting him to hear but he did.

This "bad boy" did, You were sharpening your knife in your shared cell the all of a sudden Duncan gets pushed in by the guards "What happened?" You asked in a non-caring tone "Damn wimps ratted me out about breaking out of here!" He whispers shouted "That's because they like kissing the guards asses," you said smirking Duncan just stared at you with a small blush on his face "What?" You asked "I love you," he said not caring if the other inmates heard you rolled you eyes and smiled "I love you too idiot."

You did you guys were taking a walk in the park talking about random things (it was your day off) "I look better than Kim Kardashian admit it" he said cockily "So you're a woman?" you said playfully "No but to be completely honest I'll be a hot woman" he said posing like a lady you stared at him then started laughing "This is why I love you Justin" you said in between laughs Justin stopped posing and smiled lovingly at you "Good because I love you too" he said as he took your hand and led you towards an ice cream shop.

He did you were climbing a mountain (that one challenge) and Lightning thought it was a good idea to kick rocks down on your face and you lost your grip Mike (or Manitoba I guess) saw this and caught you and started climbing with you in his arms after you reached the top Mike  put you down "Are you okay??" He asked "Yeah im fine just little scratches no big deal," you said wincing as you touched your face "Y/N you know I love you right," he said with a stern look you were surprised about what he just said "W-what?" You asked blushing "i-i said I love you," he said now realizing what had just come out of his mouth you giggled "I love you too Mike" you kissed his cheek and went to patch yourself up.

You did you were doing the 'Face your fear challenge" you didn't want anyone to know your REAL fear so you said: "being alone with Mal" That caught his attention and he smirked at you no one knew about your relationship yet so no one suspected a thing as you were walking through the dark woods you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend behind you "You looking for me~?" he said sexually "Of course I was who else would I be looking for?" You turned around to face your boyfriend he smirked and kissed you roughly automatically you kissed back he pushed you against a tree, unfortunately, you both had to part the kiss because of the dreaded thing called air (Damn you air) "I love you Mal" you said out of breath he smirked " I love you too doll~" he said as he attacked your neck meat.

He did you were practising your drumming skills without being aware of your surroundings as usual and he just casually walked in the music room and walked behind you waiting for you to finish after a few minutes you suddenly stopped which scared him "I know you're behind me Trent" you said playfully "What?! How!?" He said surprised he was sure you didn't hear him walk-in "ever since that day you walked in on me I've been more aware" you smiled turning to face a red-faced Trent "Anyway why are you here you would've left by now," you said tilting your head a little "I wanted to tell you something," Trent said rubbing his neck "Shoot," you said giving him your undivided attention "I love you!" He shouted out then he covered his mouth "I'm sorry" he said as he got up you grabbed his arm and pulled him back to you "Where do you think you're going? You thought I was gonna let you leave without me saying it back? You're very funny Trent" you said playfully "Y-you were gonna say it back?" "Duh I love you too Trent," you said hugging him.

You did you guys were at a public pool but ever since you drowned you've been afraid of water so you sat on the side of the pool while Vito sat beside you, You watched as other girls tried to touch and flirt with Vito but his only response was: "Hey yo don't touch the Vito!" But they didn't listen every time a girl came over to him you got angrier and angrier to the point where your face was red "Hey u okay Y/N?" Vito asked, "No I'm not Okay Vito im tired of these girls trying to hook up with you when they know we're together!" You said looking at the girls with pure anger "I love you Vito and im not willing to lose you to some hoes that can't keep a man for longer than 2 weeks" you said  with anger turning to sadness Vito stared at you processing what you just said, "Wait hol up you love me?" He asked confused "Yes why wouldn't I," you said looking at the water "Aww I love you, too babe and don't worry about those girls none of them are as hot as you~," he said smirking you blushed and playfully punched his arm "Shut up you flirt!"

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