Chapter 7

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"These are the toilets, but you can't go without permission."

I was walking next to a girl who was a little older than me. She introduced herself as Hannah. She was fast pacing through the school showing me everything in a quick and rehearsed manner. I just arrived at this ugly building an hour ago and after the whole screening, which included stripping naked in front of a stranger just to be asked to squat and cough. After five months of living in the woods I thought I could finally go home but instead when I got of the plane I found myself in another country...Mexico. We drove for a little while and arrived at this school called: Casa by the sea. After the whole inspection I got assigned to a girl who had to show me around and tell me the rules of the entire facility.

"The cafeteria is through this hallway and if we're lucky then we can still join lunch." She gave me a small smile.

We got in line for and my stomach turned by seeing all the food on display, it all looked less than tasty. The woman behind the counter looked bored while she splattered what seemed like chili on some kids plate. For the last five months I had been in Wilderness therapy and I had eaten a lot of questionable food but this looked just straight up nasty.

"Where are the vegetables?" I asked.

"They don't really serve them here." She replied and whispered. "By the way don't eat the chicken."

I turned to look at her questionably. "Why?"

"The risk of getting salmonella is about 50/50 so unless you want to be ill for the next week, I suggest you stay away from the meat. Besides it wont get you out of this place. You have to be on your deathbed for them to even call a doctor." She rolled her eyes.

We were the next ones in line to get food and I held up my plate a little for the lady who served the food. I grimaced at the smell, how was I supposed to eat this garbage? The rice was the only thing that didn't look too awful.

"¿Pasa algo malo con mi cocina, gringa desagradecido?" The woman said and raised her spoon in indignation.

I just looked at her in confusion. I had no idea what she just said to me and I turned to my guide for some help.

"Acaba de llegar hoy, María. Ella todavía está aprendiendo las reglas." Hannah answered back in Spanish. The woman grumbled something back to her and gave me scrutinizing look before turning her attention to the people behind us. Hannah nudged me out of the way and lead me towards a table to the side of the cafeteria. We sat down and I did a quick look around. Most of the girls here sat with only one or two people but some girls were sitting alone too.

"Ever since I arrived here people have only talked to me in Spanish, except for you." I told her.

"Yes, most of the staff doesn't speak English and if they do they still speak to you in Spanish." Hannah shrugged.

"But I don't speak Spanish, how am I supposed to talk with them?" I frowned.

"Well first of you are in level one so you're not allowed to talk anyway, today is an exception because you are new. Secondly you better start learning Spanish because the students here who do speak English and are level two or up, are not allowed to speak it among each other."

"But you and I are talking in English."

"Today yes, but only for me to tell you the rules... from tomorrow on I can't do that anymore." She gave me a look full of pity.

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