chapter one.

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* 3 years ago*

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* 3 years ago*

 last night me and Gabe got into a big fight. he doesn't understand that I'm only 20 and I'm still figuring life out. Gabe is 25 and already has his life figured out but I want the time to figure out mine and u want to do it with him by my side. When our parents arranged for us to get married I was graduating from college, and I got my degree in business and social economics. I wanted to start my own company and create a name for myself but Gabe doesn't want me to because he believes that it would take all my time from him, Gabe is very possessive and clingy but that's why I love him, but one thing led to another and we both said things we shouldn't have. 

after the fight, I left and went to my sister millie's house so I could cool down and talk to someone without the yelling in my face. After a long conversation with my older sister, I understand what Gabe felt and I wanted to go home and apologize but I felt that Gabe needed some time to think too 

After cooling down I was ready to go home the next morning. 

When I walked into the house it was quiet so I assumed Gabriele was still asleep, as I approached our bedroom door I found clothes both male and female scatter there the hallways and they were way too small to be mine. My heart started to beat faster.

When I reached the bedroom I saw something I'd thought I'd never see, but there it was my husband in bed naked with his ex-girlfriend. At that moment I felt my heart being ripped into pieces, the man I loved and thought loved me cheated on me in our house. " what the fuck "I screamed, tears running down my face. Gabe shot up in seconds " baby " he starts and then looks at the dumb blonde bitch next to him "it's not what it looks like baby listen" he started to get up and I ran as fast as I could with him right behind me, yelling my name. When I got to my car he was at the front door in grey sweat pants running towards me. " goodbye Gabriele " was the last thing I said to him before I drove off never looking back.

* present day *

" Mama, mama wake up " I hear the angelic voice of my 3-year-old son Nico shouting at me. 

" I'm up baby, where is your sister? " I basically yawned out while trying to sit up with a 3-year-old on top of me. 

" she still sweep mama but I'm hungry " he looks up at me with his beautiful grey eyes glowing from the sunlight and a pout on his pink lips. My babies are the spitting image of their father, they have his eyes and nose, and his birthmark on his right eye, Gabriella looks like me a little but mostly like Gabe.

Me and Nico make our way to the kitchen and I gather the ingredients to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon.  While I cooked Nico was on his iPad and about 10 minutes later my beautiful baby girl walked into the kitchen rubbing her eye with her favorite stuffed animal lulu in her hand. She's so beautiful it doesn't make sense.

"buenos dias mi hermosa hija" my children are fluent in Italian and Spanish so they have a piece of both my and their father's cultures. ( good morning my beautiful daughter )

"Buenos dias mama" she said as she got up and sat on the stool at the kitchen island next to her brother while I cooked. 

After breakfast, I dropped the twins off at daycare and headed to work at my father's company which he passed down to me a little over a year after I had the twins. I love my job, being Ceo meant I had a flexible schedule which meant plenty of time with my munchkins.  I never wanted to be one of these parents that prioritizes their job over their children. My babies come first and always will. 

 As soon as I sat in my office my assistant Jillian comes running in, When I met Jillian I was just taking over the company and she was a big help, she an amazing friend and the twins love them some aunty jill. " you have a meeting in 5 minutes so don't get too comfortable " I groan in response. I stand up and fix my white bodycon dress and navy blue blazer, My long hair flowing down my black because I surprisingly straightened it. 

I walked to the door and looked at Jill " we got this " I said with a shaky smile, while Jill nodded her head in agreement with a comforting smile on her face. We were meeting with one of our biggest business partners today and I was nervous because I never met this man before, I don't even know his that just that he's cold and ruthless and plays no games when it comes to his business, we were meeting to see if he wanted to renew the contract that he made with my dad years ago.

 I straighten out my dress and blazer before opening the door I take in a deep breath and walk into a room, my eyes scan the room and land on a pair of grey eyes. The same eyes I looked into this morning and my heart skipped a beat. When reality set in and I realized it was none other than Gabriele Ricci himself. I saw him look at me with a shocked look on his face and then that's when the whole room started spinning. " piccola? non può essere " was the last thing I heard before everything went black. ( baby?it can't be )

This is chapter one, I hope you guys like it, I wrote it at 2 am soo.. 

The next chapter will be Gabe's point of view 

Nico and gabby are the cutest !!!

Pls, don't hate Gabe he's a big sweetheart!

vote and comment feedback pls!

 thanks for reading < 3!

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