chapter eleven

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" NICO, BABY PLEASE JUST ANSWER MAMA PLEASE " I yelled while I banged on the door, i gave up and ran downstair to the kitchen crying. "Gabe I need you to break down the fucking door" I screamed with tears running down my face, trying to pull Gabe from his chair. " He grabbed my arms and tried to calm me down. " what's going on mi amore just breathe he said as I pulled out of his grip. " Nico looked himself in the bathroom and then there was a big bang and now he's not answerin-" Before I could finish my sentence Gabe was rushing up the steps. I ran after him while Killian stayed downstairs with Gabby. 

When Gabe reached the door and called Nico's name a couple of times before ramming the door. Gabe walked into the bathroom very quietly, I was a few steps behind him when I saw him drop to his knees and I ran up to see my baby boy passed out on the floor with blood on his forehead. Everything froze, I felt like I couldn't breathe or see clearly. When I looked down at Nico and as Gabe tried to wake him, I saw Gabe look up at me and I could see him trying to say something but I didn't hear him and then everything went black. 

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" FUCK FUCK FUCK" I screamed with the true feeling that I was losing my mind. Paris just collapsed on the floor and Nico isn't waking up, he hit his head on the sink so hard it broke. I called the family private doctor and ordered them to be here in the next ten minutes. I took Nico and Paris into our room and laid them on the bed. I went downstairs to see if the doctor arrived and check on Gabby, As soon as I entered the kitchen Gabby ran to me. " papa where mommy and Nico? Is he okay now ?" she asked looking up at me with a small frown on her face. " Um they are upstairs talking but they need a minute alone, okay?" I lied to my little princess not wanting to make her sadder. I walked over to Killian and whispered in his ear " fuck, Nico hit his head on the sink and passed out and Paris collapsed right after. The doctor is on her way but I need you to keep Gabby distracted for a while until I know what's going on". Killian nodded in reply while he patted my shoulder.

Killian took Gabby to the backyard with the dogs when the doctor arrived. I lead Jazlyn upstairs, she's been the family doctor for the last 5 years now. She checked out Both Nico and Paris and asked me to give her a minute to do her job " fuck no my wife and son are both unconscious and you want me to leave them?" I yelled at her. " Yes sir I do, because I can't focus on your son's brain responses when you are pacing back and forth behind me. So again sir I'm asking you to give me a minute to do my job properly" she said with a stern voice and I walked outside because I knew she was right. If I hadn't known Jazyln most of my life I would've shot her in the head and called another doctor. 

20 minutes later Jazlyn came out with a small smile on her face. " your son is awake and doing well, he has a slight concussion and I would like to keep a close watch over him but you can come in and see him" she said calmly. " What about my wife? what happened to her Jazlyn?" I asked with so much worry in my voice. " she's still asleep, I need to talk to her about something before I can give you any more information but she should be up shortly it's most likely she was just in shock at the moment." she said while looking at the ground. I walked into the room to see Nico holding onto Paris for dear life, " papa why won't she wake up?" he asked me with tears running down his face. I walked up to him and hugged him so tight I almost thought I squshed him. " how are you feeling? Nico what happened you scared me and Mama so bad?" I questioned him. " is that why Mama isn't waking up? Did I do this to her?" he questioned back as he started to cry even more. 

" No No hijo, mamá estaba tan preocupada que necesitaba una siesta para descansar, el médico dijo que se levantará pronto."  (no son, mama was just so worried she needed a nap to rest her mind, the doctor said she'll be up soon).I said trying to comfort him the best I could. He continued to cry into my shoulder as I carried him into his room, I laid him down and Jazyln checked him again just to be safe. Nico seemed to like Jazlyn she even made him laugh. I left Nico with Jazlyn and went to check on Paris. I sat with her for forty-five minutes and then I heard her whisper something, she kept getting louder as she groaned out our son's name as she opened her eyes. " Nico" she screamed as she jumped up looking around, I grabbed her arms to calm her down. " where is he? What happened?" she spoke so fast with so much worry in her voice and tears in her eyes. " He's fine baby, he has a slight concussion but Jazlyn is with him now" I said as I wiped her tears, she let out a big sigh of relief. " thank god I don't know what I would've done if something happened to him" she said with tears still streaming down her face. 

" Mi amore what happened back there? you were fine all morning and then you just collapsed" I asked her while rubbing her back. " I don't know, I honestly just remember seeing you and Nico on the ground, and then everything went black". she replied quietly while rubbing her head. "Did the doctor say what might have happened?" she questioned. " All she said is that she needed to ask you a few questions as soon as you woke up but that it was nothing major wrong, she said you were most likely just in shock" I replied. I got up from the bed and headed to the door, " wait where are you going?" Paris asked as I opened the door. " To get the doctor" I replied as I walked out  

When I reached Nico's door I was shocked to hear him still laughing with Jazlyn, as soon as I walked in he stopped. Jazlyn turned her head to see what caused Nico to stop laughing and then looked at me with a confused face. " I'm sorry to interrupt but Paris has just woken up" I said to end the awful silence that filled the room. " Okay sir, Nico I have to go see if your mom is feeling better but I'll be back to check on you before I leave okay? she said and Nico nodded in response. Jazlyn walked back to the master bedroom while I stayed with Nico. I sat at the edge of Nico's bed with a thousand thoughts running through my mind. " So you really like Dr. Jazlyn ?" I asked him just to try and start a conversation with him but all he did was nod. 






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