chapter eighteen

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My eyes were closed but I could still feel the sun beaming through my eyelids. I covered my eyes and turned my head when I removed my hand and opened my eyes they landed on a sleeping Gabe.  Memories of last night rushed into my head, causing me to bite my lips and my thighs to clench. Gabe made me feel something so unexplainable, I've never loved anyone more than him other than our kids.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by the sudden urge to throw up my organs. I ran to the bathroom and fell to the floor in front of the toilet, I threw up for what felt like hours. I was still throwing up when Gabe came into the bathroom, he held my hair back and rubbed my. For such a scary man he truly was a softy. " Fuck Amore is there anything I can do? " Gabe asked as he kissed my shoulder softly.

I grabbed a hand towel and wiped my mouth, morning sickness was my least favorite part about pregnancy. " Yeah, stop getting me pregnant," I said and rolled my eyes. he laughed and stood up, pulling me up with him. Gabe bent down and kissed my head as he whispered " I'm afraid I can't do that Amore, I'm going to get as baby as I can out of you". Yeah, my husband has officially lost his fucking mind, " you're actually insane if you think I'm going to just keep popping out kids for you" I laughed as I walked over to the sink, grabbing my toothbrush. 

" Just maybe 3 more Amore, our kids are so beautiful, why not make more? "Gabe says as he walks up behind me, gripping my ass as he looks at me through the mirror. " yes, they are beautiful they came from me duh, and one our son will murder us, two you only say this because you aren't the one pushing them out" I say before I start brushing my teeth. Gabe looked up at the ceiling and laughed, his jawline was so sharp and his dimples were visible. God these hormones are going to be the death of me, he truly looked like an angel to me but to the rest world, I knew they saw a devil. Sometimes it scared me that one day Nico and Gabby would become dons, they'd be murderers and criminals just like me and Gabe and I hated that but this was the life we were born into. 

" You don't think I had anything to do with the beauty of our children Amore?" He asks as he's looking at me through the mirror. I wiped the toothpaste off the side of my mouth and turned around, my eyes meeting Gabe's chest. I looked up and smirked " Mmh maybe a little bit" I said while trailing my finger over his tattoos. " I still remember the night you got this, how determined you were" I said smiling at my name on his forearm, " yeah and Alex asking a million times if I was sure" He said looking down at me and his arm. " I need to call Alex, I want another tattoo" Gabe says while kissing my forehead, " Riccardo you have more than enough" I said while rolling my eyes. Gabe hated it when I used his middle name but I thought it was cute,           " I want our children's names tattoed next to yours Alena Rose". I walked away from Gabe and out of the bathroom, " I want to get another one too then" I said as I sat on the bench at the end of our bed. Gabe walked over and sat next to me, " Anything you il mio bel fiore " (My beautiful flower).  I couldn't stop my cheeks from turning red, he always made me blush. 

Gabe had called me Flower since the first time he met my grandmother and she said my full name, he said it was the most beautiful name he ever heard hence why he then got it tattooed on his arm. He leaned in and kissed me, this kiss felt like the way we kissed on our wedding day. full of love, passion, and hope. He pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to move my hips back and forth. He gripped my hips and pulled away, " As much as I love you rubbing your pussy on me, the kids will be up any minute. I'd hate to start something we couldn't finish Amore" he said in a low husky voice. I groaned and got off his lap, I hated it when he was right. It was 7:40 the kids would be waking up any moment, " I'm going to go start making breakfast then"  I said as I walked towards the door. 

" Okay Amore, I'll be down soon" Gabe said while walking to the bathroom.  When I entered the kitchen I was surprised to see everything clean after leaving Killian in charge with the kids. I decided to make waffles, eggs, and bacon, I started to take out the ingredients for breakfast when I heard little footsteps walking into the kitchen. I turned around to see my son rubbing his eyes while walking toward me. the smile on my face was nothing compared to the one on my heart, " Bueno mira quien se levanta. buenos dias mi niño hermoso " (well look who's up. good morning my beautiful boy)I said softly as I lifted Nico into my arms. " Buenos días mamá, te extrañé" (Good morning Mama, I missed you) Nico yawned as he laid his head on my shoulder. " I missed you more mi dulce niño " (my sweet boy) I said as I kissed his head, I leaned his head up and moved his long curls out of his face. " would you like to help Mama make breakfast?" I asked with a cheeky grin on my face, Nico shook his head yes excitedly in response. 

I sat Nico on the kitchen island and we started to crack the eggs. I loved it when Nico was calm and happy like this.





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