chapter twenty

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I was feeling extremely tired today and I assume it's just a part of being pregnant. I was currently getting the twins dressed to go outside, Gabe told Nico that he would take him and Gabby in the backyard with the dogs. I dressed Nico in some cargo shorts and a navy blue polo shirt, I kissed his head once I finished tying his shoes. I decided to match the twins, dressing Gabby in a Navy blue dress with a white bow on the back. I put her hair into ponytails with little bows on it, My babies were so beautiful it made my heart clench.

After the twins were dressed we walked downstairs to the living room where Gabe sat with Killian. Sometimes I believe in another world they're in love , maybe even in this world. "Papa we go outside now" Gabby says as she runs over toward them, Gabe quickly picks her up and places her on his lap. " fsì principessa, possiamo andare adesso" (yes princess we can go now), gabby smiles and looks over to Killian and says " what you doing here" which made me snort. Killian rolled his eyes and stood up from the couch, " you truly are your mother's child" he said as he walked over to me and Nico. " What's up little man you feeling better today?" Killian says to Nico with a soft smile on his face and his hand out to give Nico a high-five. Nico shakes his head yes and gives Killian a high-five.

One of the guards walked into the living bowing his head down to me and Gabe, "Excuse me, Don, Donna the yard is ready and the dogs are Now outside" he said nervously. Gabe shook his head and dismissed him, " is everyone ready " Gabriele asked as he stood with Gabby on his hip. Gabby shouted yes and jumped out of Gabe's arms and ran towards the door with Nico right behind her, Gabe motioned his head towards the twins signaling Killian to go with them. Killian huffed as he started walking with the twins to the backyard while Gabe walked over to me. " you sure you do want to come with us Fiore" he asked me as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear making me blush. " I do but I'm extremely exhausted and I think it's good for you and the kids to have some time together " I replied with a small smile as I looked up at Gabe.

" well get some rest amore, just call if you need me" he said as he leaned down and kissed me, as soon as I started to kiss back he grabbed my waist and deepened the kiss. it took everything in me to push him back and tell him " The kids are waiting for you Gabe, we can't leave them alone with Killian who knows how that will end" rubbing my hand down his chest. Gabe huffed and backed off of me, I immediately felt cold without the feeling of the warmth of his body. Gabe kissed my forehead and walked to the backyard door.

I walked to my bedroom with exhaustion basically pouring out of me. the moment I laid down in my bed my body immediately relaxed, I honestly don't even remember when I drifted off to sleep. I was awakened by Gabe rubbing my shoulder as he called out my name, " Paris wake up Amore, you need to eat" he said gently. I slowly opened my eyes turning my body to face Gabriele "What time is it" I yawned out as I lifted myself up. " It's 8:30 amore you've been sleeping for a while" Gabe replied making my eyes widen, I went to sleep at 9:30 something. "Oh my god where are the twins? are okay? did they eat?" I began rambling at the thought that I hadn't seen my babies since this morning, " Yes Fiore, relax they've eaten lunch and dinner, teeth brushed and showered. I put them into bed afterward because they were very worn out from playing outside all day" Gabe said as he pulled me in his arms trying to calm me down. I let out a deep breath in relief that the twins were okay. I knew they were safe with Gabe but I was not used to leaving them alone with anyone but my sister for more than a couple of hours. I missed Millie and Jill, I missed the whole life I built for myself back in New York.

I walked into Gabby's room first, she was fast asleep holding onto her stuffed bunny lily that my mom had brought her when I first gave birth, the bunny was brown with a light pink dress and bow. I went up to her bed and kissed her head softly as I moved her hair out of her face.
My beautiful baby girl.

I walked into Nico's room hoping he wouldn't wake up he could sense me coming from a mile away it seemed like. I walked in and he was laying on his stomach with his head facing the wall, I slowly walked over to him and ran my hand through his hair and kissed his forehead. Nico was unique and a lot like Gabe he wouldn't let everyone in or show who he really is. Nico is a sweetheart to the core but you wouldn't think that at first glance just like his father.
I walked out of Nico's room walked back towards my own with the thought of everything I left behind running through my head.

Gabe sat on the bed working on his laptop when I entered the room, I sat down and sighed leaning my head back on the headboard. Gabe turned his head "What's the matter?" he questioned as he moved my hair behind my ear.
" I miss my life, my family, my job Gabe" I said as I sat up. My mind was everywhere. I turned and looked at Gabe as I felt my eyes get glossy from tears
" I love being here with you and this is how it was supposed to be because I love you Gabe I really do but I miss my friends, my sister, and the company I built "  I started to sob out. I don't know how I expected Gabe to react to my outburst but him kissing my forehead and wiping my tears away wasn't the first thing that came to mind.

" please don't cry amore, we can work this out just please calm down" he said in the most comforting voice. I nodded my head and took a deep breath, and laid my head on his chest as he rubbed my back. We sat like this for ten minutes when Gabe asked me what I ate... FUCK I shouted at myself in my head.
" umm a cookie" I said trying to change the subject but just then my stomach growled, I'm honestly starting to think this baby was just against me. " Paris did you eat?" Gabe asked again sounding a little mad and already knew he knows I didn't.
I sat up straddling his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. I looked at him with a guilty smile as I answered his question "Okay maybe I forgot but I just went to go say goodnight to the kids and forgot and now I'm hungry and want Chinese food" I rambled out and kissed his cheek.

" you can't keep forgetting to eat Paris it not good for you and the baby amore you have to eat, do you understand me" Gabe said as he grabbed his phone. I knew he was right I just haven't been having an appetite. Gabe ordered the food while I traced the tattoos on his arm.






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