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Oh my goodness. I AM A WITCH!!!!!!
Yay! Wait what does a which even do? Is this a joke? Father always said I was a Squib he would say "You can never escape me and You will NOT be going to Hogwarts as You. Are. A. Squib" and every time he would say some thing he tock one step closer and then point the 'Wand' at me and say "Crucio" with no emotions.

I was later pulled out of my thoughts when Mr Severus Snape started to shake me. And I fell over but unfortunately broke a glass vase with Lillies in. I knew it would come to shouting and screaming. But it never, instead he brought out what looked to be a stick and only when he had it pointed at my face did I realise what it was. A WAND!

Quickly pushing myself away from him and shaking uncontrollably, I noticed he was confused. Why?

"I am not going to hurt you" Mr Severus Snape said. "I am just going to fix the vase with Lillies in. Is that ok?" "I suppose it is ok but I never meant to break it so please don't do anything" I replied. "What would I do to you?" Mr Severus Snape asked.
"Usethecurse" I said rely fast. "What curse would I use on you?" Mr Severus Snape asked. "The one when you say crucio" I wisperd. "What!" Mr Severus Snape said outragus.

**Mr Severus Snape point of view**
"What!" I said outragus. Here Father used an unforgivable curse on her. But surely he new they got you in Azkaban prison.
"Are you ok?" I asked. "I think so, why do you ask?" "Because that is one of 3 unforgivable curses that can get you in Azkaban prison. The other one is imperious, which makes you do things you don't want to and the third one is Avada kadavra which kills you." I replied with no emotion.

Suddenly someone knocks at the door! Who would come to my house this late at night? The little girl, Mary I think scuttled back even further then she already was. I wonder why? She began whispering things like "his here." "Here." "I know he is." Again and again. Then the man at the door shouts "I want what is mine back now." "Hide." I whisper to her.

Out of nowhere the door is broken down and a man is stood in the way. He has dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. He looks rely strong and rather scary. "Where is she" he whispers "I don't know" I reply calmly. "Where is SHE AND I KNOW SHE IS HERE SO DON'T LIE TO ME!" He shouts.

**3rd person point of view**
He then storms over to the little girl in the corner and she looks so scared. "What did you do to make the man believe you, you pathetic useless squib" he shouted at her. He then proceeded to slap her across the face and pulled her out the door.

Snape had never seen anyone so angry before and to slap a little child was out of order.

Snape could hear the little girl screaming down the street and begging for mercy. Snape don't know what happened to him but he suddenly felt the need to care for this child. So without thinking he ran down the street to where they were and pulled with all his might on the girl to get her free. As soon as she was free from the mans grip he disaporated out.

Several minnutes later they arrived outside what looked to be a castle. "we are at Hogwarts school of Wich craft and wizardry, he cannot get to you or harm you here." They walked up a path that led to a big wooden door. As soon as they got near the door professor Dumbledore was standing there. He greated Snape as a friend that he had not seen in a long time, then he noticed the petite girl standing behind Snape. The girl was trying to not be seen but was falling to do so.

"Hello, and what is your name?" professor Dumbledore asked the girl hiding behind professor Snape. "My name is Mary, Mary Lilliana Potter" she said quietly. Professor Dumbledore was shocked when she said her name "well Mary my name is professor Dumbledore and this is my school. How is it you are here?" Professor Dumbledore inquired. "Ah. About that, could she possibly stay here until school starts?" Professor Snape asked the headmaster. "Why yes of course she can. But she will have to stay with you is that ok?" "It is fine with me." Professor Snape said. "And I don't mind eitherer." Mary said surprising both of the professors.

Suddenly out of nowhere a clock chimed signaling dinner time or 9 o'clock. It was so sudden that it made Mary jump and hide behind professor Snape. "Oh! You two better come in then." Professor Dumbledore said realizing the time.

As they walked in Mary was amazed by how big the place was. Also on the walls were pictures that moved and talked. Both of the professors chuckled at her reaction to the wonderful place. "Shall we join the others for dinner?" Professor Dumbledore asked. "yes, yes please." replied Mary hungrily. So both of the professors lead Mary done to the great hall. Suddenly without any waning both of the professors stopped and Mary walked into them. "I am so sorry." mary replied once she realized what she had done. "We are here!" Both of the professors said at the same time.

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