I nearly miss FOOD!!!

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when I woke up the next morning I could not remember what that dream was about but I did remember two people. next thing I know was that my new dad (prof Snape) came storming through the doors holding two boys by there neck that look oddly familiar.

all of a sudden I realise why they look so familiar to me it is because they were the ones to shot that spell at me and hit me on the head.

"are these the two boys Mary?" father asked coldly

I however did not speak and just looked at the floor ashamed.

"ANWSER ME!" he yelled

I just sat there nodding my head quickly as to avoid further punishment which then led to him storming out again whilst dragging the boys.

he promised me he would not shout. as I start to feel slightly betrayed. next thing you know a nurse has her head out of her office asking if everything Is okay and she suddenly realises that I am awake. she rushes over to me and cheques me over.

"you might be feeling a bit light headed but apart from that you are free to go, breakfast has just started." the nurse lady said.

"thank you" I sang as I left the hospital.

I was on my way to the great hall when I saw a group of people whispering and I got curious as to earth they were on about so I went closer and heard that they were on about how rude Malfoy is. I was a bit confused but to alert them of my appearance I said that if it is not a bother could they show me the way to the great hall. And a young girl in the year above me and she had big hair and generally looked pretty.

"What house are you in?" she asked

"Ravenclaw" I replied

"I am Hermione Granger and you are?"

"My name is Mary Potter it is nice to meet you but I must get to the food now as it is calling my name. goodbye" I waved walking off

As I sat down I saw the girl going to her friends and talking about something probably someone but when they kept looking at me I knew something was not quite right. So I got up and slowly walked towards them. but right before I got there a big man dressed in black robes stood in front of me I slowly looked up to see my farther there with a look ready to kill on his face. He quickly crabbed my robe collar in front of everyone I screamed in surprised. By accident of course :). and next thing you know I am being dragged out of the hall and into the corridor.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" he screamed loud enough for everyone to hear might I add

"nowhere, sir honestly nowhere" I stamper not looking him in the eye to afraid

Next thing you know prof McGonagall came storming out to see what is going on.

"what are you doing to the poor girl, Severus?" she enquired calmly

Father starred at her for a while before she said in her best voice let go of Mary , Severus please you are scaring her. And with that he dropped me I fell to the floor upset and tired to see both professors in a deep conversation.


just a quick Authors note here:

hi I have taken down the previous comment because I got loads of replies and I am so sorry to all but I can not have that menu character in one book it would confuse me. However in the future if I write a different story your person could be in that many thanks to all who comment

also if anyone who reads this is confused on apart comment or private message me and I can explain.

many thanks,


thank you @Rowanmoonlight for the kind suggestion

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