Hogwarts here i come! Eventhough i am alredy here.

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After being sorted in to Ravenclaw and learning the way around school, which took a while considering there is moving stair cases, steps that you can fall through. Doors that only open if you tickle them in a certain spot or doors that you have to ask politely to open even doors that weren't doors but walls pretending to be doors. Not to mention the fact that both the paintings and suits of armour can move and they would move around a lot. But at least Mary has a photographic memory so she remembers everything she has ever read/ watched/ seen. School was starting tomorrow so Mary was excited for that.

------time lapse-----

Today was September the first! Everyone in the building was not looking forward to what the new school year would hold but there was on person a little girl in fact who was completely the opposite. This little girl could not wait for school to start as she would be starting school this year to learn magic and many more things. Mary as the girl goes by woke up early and sat and read through all her new text books one more time just in case she missed any thing.


It had been two hours since Mary was awake and now it was breakfast time so after getting her Hogwarts robes on she went down to breakfast with a skip in her step. At breakfast Mary was the only one there to begin with and as she was too excited to sit and wait patiently.  So she started to skip around and sing the Hogwarts song to different Christmas songs. By the time the teachers came in at 8:00 she was still singing but this time it was High School Musical songs. The teachers just stood there and watched her with amused expression on there faces.

"What are you actually doing?" Professor Dumbledore asked after she fell over from spinning around too much. " I was trying to wait patiently but it did not last long as I am WAY too excited to sit down for long so I started singing." She sung.

Mary POV:

So after falling over and having breakfast with all the teachers I convinced them to let me go on the train to Hogwarts even though I am already here! But oh well it does not harm anyone, does it? Anywho after I am finished talking to myself I make sure I am all packed which I am then head down stairs with my school things that Snape got me and I let my Phoenix fly down with me. He is a purple bird with bright pink feathers but is great at hiding.  We floo to kings crossed station and I am left to my own devises.  So me being me and have just leant about magic and all walk along the way singing.

'Well I am off to a school,
A school for people like me,
A school where we can learn stuff and many more things,
Of course I need to find the wonderful train first,
Because it is how I get there!
But wait I think,
It might be here,
Between two numbers called 9 and 10,
Oh look a family of red!'

As I was signing this I had stopped in front of the wall between platform 9 and 10. When a massive family of red heads appeared out of know where with one boy with messy raven hair and stunning green eyes. He look strangely familiar but I can not remember why. There was about six boys and one girl also a man and woman who I presume to be the mother and father of the red headed people. So as I am not in the mood to try to be polite I walked straight up to them and said.

"Hello people from a world that muggles do not know but only imagine. I. Am. A. Witch. And am lost so can you help me this poor llama get onto platform 9 3/4. As no one told me how?" I asked them.

The woman looked rather disturbed but still replied "yes you just run into that wall" "WHAT, YOU WANT ME TO RUN INTO A WALL! AND KILL MYSELF IF NOT GET ME SIRISLEY INJURED ALONG THE WAY. YOU MUST BE CRAZEY. Is she CRAZEY" I asked the girl next to her. She shook her head no. Whoopsies!

And with out saying anything but a thank you I ran into the wall.

I was writing this whilst watching Harry Potter on sky. So sorry for any mistakes and this chapter is dedicated to ObliviateMySoul

Thank you for waiting everyone who is reading this and the next chapter should be up soon how soon it depends on the weather so yeah.

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