Halloween scare

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---Mary POV---
I woke up today feeling sick so after getting out of bed and making my way to the bathroom I was sick everywhere. all down my cloths and up the walls, even on the floor but not however in the toilet.

next thing I know is Peggy is trying to lift me up to go to the infirmary. i must have passed out because there is now light coming from the widows where as before there was non.

waking up for the third time was aganising because as soon as I opened my eyes there was light, bright white light. and It sure was powerful. It reminded me of something that, oh yeah you know like that time you look at paper and it is whiter than you imagined. Well that is the same as this.

Poppy (for those of you new to Harry Potter Madame Pomfrey) appeared next to me and gave me a potion to drink to make me all better.

Walking down to the great hall for breakfast was quite so I started to play the drums to make some noise.
What I did not relies was that it was early morning and I had slept through the whole day. So like the idiot I am walked straight past several teachers headquarters playing the bass drum and pretending I was in a music parade.

Fred and George who happened to be planning a prank someone saw me and decided to join in Fred playing the trumpet and George playing a fiddle. I then started singing the music man in time to the drum when peeves appeared through the wall so he asked if he could join and we all said yes and the next thing you know we have professor Dumbles standing infront of us enquiring the meaning of the early morning wake up band.

So me being me said. " life is life and a drum is a drum if you combined both together you get noise and noise is what I was aiming for as it was quite."

"That seems like a fair explanation. I have an idea!"

I cannot believe he thought my explanation was legit I mean it was awesome but prof Dumbledore approves.

--Time lapse to breakfast where nobody is awake enough--

---3rd POV---

Everyone had arrived for breakfast even the teachers all except three students and one ghost who were in a side room waiting for prof Dumbledore to give his signal.

Once he gave his signal the three student slowly crept behind the teachers table and got into position. With the invisibility potion wearing off a few students noticed the objects but could not decide what they were.

Next was peeves he had to get all of the microphone set up (I know muggle things don't work in Hogwarts but Dumbledore is on their side so old man power) In the correct order for the plan to work and once they were.

---Peggy POV---

I woke up today with a strange feeling realising it was Halloween I just brushed it off as nerves. Making my way to breakfast was quite as Mary was still in the hospital so I had no one to talk to.

Once at the Ravenclaw table I sat down and grabbed some waffles and jam with blueberries. And looked up at the teachers table, professor Dumbledore seemed to be really pleased with himself as he kept glancing around and giggling to himself he looked quite commercial to be honest.

Just as I was about to get up to leave Fred, George and Mary all jumped up from the teachers table singing the submarine song and adding a few more verses as they went along. By this point I was in stitches not just because of how bad they were at singing and playing but because everyone had just woken up so Ron ended up chucking pumpkin juice all over hermionie  and professor lockheart ended up face planting a large bowl of porridge that he had just brought closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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