Chapter 3

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Lewis ~

After all the speeches we all went out for a cigarette. We laughed and joked for a while. I don't know what caused me to look up, it was like I could feel her before I saw her.

My jaw all but fell on the floor, she looked incredible, her long blond hair were in loose ringlets with the side up. Her had a tight fitting light blue dress on that had black sequence on it to make up some deign. The dress went to just above her knees. The whole outfit looked like it was made for her. She looks so different from all those years ago when she had straight blond hair all the time and she was chubby but I still loved her, yet here she is looking breathtakingly beautiful, as always.

She walked up to where we are standing, not making eye contact with anyone yet.

"Close your mouths boys, no drooling allowed on those suits" She teased, giving a wink.

I looked at everyone else to see they were also staring at her.

"Ahem" I heard someone behind her cleared their throat, my eyes shot up and met the glare from Julia's friend, what the hell is his name? Brian? Bradan? Brendon!!!

"Nice to see you all again boys" he greeted us all with a smirk, snaking his arm around Julia's waist.

"congratulations mate" he said, smiling at James, the groom.

I heard a grunt for a response but I couldn't focus on anyone else except this angel standing in front of me. She wasn't looking at me, she could feel my state though I could sense she didn't like it, but I don't care enough to look away.

"LEWIS" Connor shouted in my ear, breaking me from my trance.

"Ow! What?" I glared at him, punching him on the arm. I heard Julia giggle but quickly covered it with a caught. I looked at her and saw she was smiling at me. Maybe she had forgiven me? Who am I kidding, why should she forgive me after what I had done?

"Ready Julia?" Brendon asked holding his arm out for her. The little green monster was making its way to the surface, I quickly push it away. I had no right to be jealous here.

"As ready as ill ever be" she grumbled, smoothing her dress down.

We all watched as they both made there way into the hotel together, her arm linked with his.

"Dude, I can't believe that's actually Julia" Connor whispered, still staring at her as she walked away.

"I know" I whispered back. My head is spinning, alcohol mixed with this is not a good thing. I can't believe how different she is, she holds this air of respect where ever she goes, like she demands it.

A few hours later we were all having a drink together, we found out that Julia and Brendon were only here because they were told to be. Julia has been nursing a glass of wine for over an hour now, she was never a big drinker.

"So have you guys ever been to afghan then?" Connor asked the pair, before taking a big gulp of his own beer.

"Yeah we have" Brendon answered, his arm casually slung over the back of Julia's chair.

"Did ya have fun?" Oscar slurred at them, I think he should slow down a bit.

"Yeah loads" Julia answered rolling her eyes, taking another sip of wine and scrunching her nose up at the taste.

"When were you guys there?" The question slipped out of my mouth, but I wanted to know.

She pondered it for a second, looking at Brendon "around 6 months ago" she said, Brendon nodding in confirmation.

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