Chapter 18

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Julia's pov

"You ok?" Callum asked entwining out fingers.

We were driving to the crack den. It was 10 already so we were late. Callum was in the back next to me. Alex and Callum haven't spoke to me, they aren't mad at me, they know I need my space.

"I'll be fine. After this we can get on with our life's" I lied. I'm not upset because I want William again, we got what we needed this morning. I'm upset because because I love both William and Connor so much and they are leaving.

When came to us 7 months ago I had 3 of the best friends in the world, now I have 5. William and Connor will never match to Brendon, Callum and Alex but they are close, I would never replace my boys for anyone.

We got to the house 15 minutes later. The house was beautiful. The curtains where drawn in everyroom in the house, It was huge as well, if I didn't know better I would hav thought a family lived here. The garden was well done and it had Poppy's everywhere.

"How ironic that they have Poppy's" Brendon said sarcastically.

"Guys I think there's children in here" Alex said pointing to the side of the house. I followed him finger. There was a swing set and a couple of kids bikes.

"Shit!" I whispered.

I pulled out my phone and dialled macs number.

"Julia" he greeted after the 3rd ring.

"Mac, what the hell? There's kids in this house?" I shouted threw the phone.

"Wow calm down jules. No there isn't, if you look across the road there is a van of agents, they have been watching the house all morning" mac said calmly. I looked across the road and sure enough I saw a undercover van.

"Are they here to help?" I asked.

"Yeah, go tell them the plan" mac said the hung up.

"Dick head" I whispered, the boys laughed.

"Be right back" I told the boys then jumped out the car and walked casually to the van.

"Here's the plan" i announced after I shut the back doors, there where 4 agents here.

"We go in, we kill the men, don't let them reach for anything, don't kill yourselves, understand?" I said briefly.

"Yeah" they chorused.

"Let's go. Acted casual" I ordered them then jumped out. I'm impatient when I work with people I don't know.

I walked over to the car an waved the boys out and together we all made out way to the front door.

"Smash the door" i ordered Alex.

He nodded and in one kick the door was off its hinges.

We all ran in and went different directions.

Callum, Brendon, Alex and me all ran into the living room.

"Don't fuckin move" Alex shouted as we all aimed our guns.

There was about 10 guys in here, shit we are out numbered but luckily no one had weapons ready.

I shot 2 on the spot.

I saw another couple fall, the boys shot them. I heard heavy foot steps from above me, the agents are checking the house.

There was 3 men left. Then caoise erupted.

One of the men grabbed something from next to his chair. The boys quickly killed the other 2, obviously not seeing that one had grabbed a giant knife. I was too close to him and in one quick motion my back was pressed to the mans chest, the knife to my throat.

"Drop your guns" the man roared, making my ear ring.

"Don't you dare" I ordered the boys, they were all chalk white and looked terrified.

"Drop them or I swear I will slip her throat" the man shouted sending spit everywhere.

The boys dropped there guns and held there hands up.

"Ok let's calm down" Alex said trying to stay calm, he must be screaming inside.

"Calm down? You just killed my friends, why the hell should I calm down?" He shouted, I swear this guy is foaming at the mouth.

"Come on, let her go" Brendon said stepping forward. He has a knife to my throat idiot don't step forward! I shouted in my head. Tears were now streaming down my face from fear.

"No, back the fuck up" the man croaked digging the knife into my neck. Brendon stopped in his tracks seeing this.

"What do you want?" Brendon asked calmly. He was a great nigosiatour.

"I want you all to get out of here" he spat at Brendon.

"We aren't leaving without her" Brendon said.

"Well then I don't have a choice" those words sent shivers threw my spine. The knife moved away from my neck and out of my view.

Everyone's faces dropped and paled even more. Alex grabbed his gun and i felt the man being thrown away from me. What happened? I feel so numb.

I looks down and seen the handle of the knife sticking out of my stomach. I touched it gentle and pain shot through my entire body. I let out a blood curling scream and dropped to my knees.

Callum came into view, tears were streaming down his face as he caught my head just before it hit the ground.

"Shhhh baby, it's ok" he said panicked. He took his shirt off and pressed it into my stomach, I new wave of pain washed over me and I screamed again.

"Shhh jules, I'm so sorry I have to" Callum sobbed.

"Iv phoned an ambulance" I heard Brendon say as he dropped to his knees next to my head with Alex next to him.

"Please. Take out the knife, please pull it out" I screamed in agony.

"I can't do that Julia. You know I can't" Callum shouted.

"Am I going to die?" I asked looked at them all.

The hesitated for a second.

"Of course your not silly, Callum won't let you die" Alex sobbed smiling.

"You are all crying" I stated. The pain was disappearing.

"You got hurt baby, of course we're crying" Brendon sobbed.

I reached my hand up to Brendon's face, my hand was so heavy.

"This isn't your fault" I told him and dropped my hand back down, it was too heavy.

"This is none of your faults" I whispered, I was so tiered.

"Jules, don't go to sleep" Callum shouted but it was muffled.

"Cally don't shout baby" I whispered to him. I could feel the pain leaving me completely.

"Open your eyes, please jules" Alex screamed at me, but again it we like he was in a bubble and I couldn't hear him properly.

I heard sirens.

"I love you boys" I whispered before I gave in to the darkness. Pain left me as I closed my eyes.

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