Chapter 39-Doubts and Results

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Sorry for the wait. Here's an update which I hope you'd like. c:

Dedicated to

Lucky - Jason Mraz fet. Colbie Caillat

Chapter 39-Doubts and Results

"Danny, please?" I begged making him sigh in return. "Help me look for a gift."

"Chris, I think anything's fine," Emily told me making me look at her. She was casually seated on the seat across from Danny and me. "I don't think Andrew's that picky."

"I need a guy's opinion and I do not want to ask for my brothers'," I said before looking at Danny. I then looped my arms with him and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Please, Dan?"

"I'm gay, Chris. I'm not straight like them." He sighed removing my hands from his arms.

"That's the thing, Dan," I told him as I faced him. "You're gay and you have a good fashion sense. Just help a friend, Danny."

"I guess helping her wouldn't hurt," Emily supported me making me grin. "Let's go to the mall after work."

"Thank you, Emily," I winked at her. "I would love to have a sister-in-law as supportive as you."

Daniel then laughed as soon as Emily's face flushed red. I can't help but giggle at how she reacted. Daniel then sighed. "Fine, just one hour because I promised Hans that we'd have dinner outside."

"You're the best!" I said excitedly as I hugged him.


"Enough," I announced as I grabbed the long sleeves Daniel was holding. "I'll just buy this because I'm so tired."

"We've only been walking for fifteen minutes." Danny told me rolling his eyes at me.

"Thirteen minutes actually." Emily added as she checked her watch.

"This one's good and I'm really tired so this one's fine, I suppose." I said before turning towards the cashier.

After paying, we walked out of the store deciding whether to eat or to leave. I then spotted Cristoph and Portia walking out of nursery store.

"Hey!" I greeted them excitedly, startling Cristoph a bit.

"Oh hi!" Portia smiled widely at me as they both waved at me and my friends.

"Where are you guys going?"I asked as I looked at their shopping bags.

"We'll be grabbing some snacks, would you guys like to join us?" Cristoph asked.

"I'd love to as long as you'll treat me." I grinned as I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"No, I'm good. Thanks though," Danny politely declined before looking at me. "If you'll be staying I'll be leaving you with them."

"Alright," I nodded, smiling at him. "Thank you. Drive carefully."

He then waved at us good bye before walking off.

"I hope you don't mind, Chris," Emily told me. "I have to go home too. My cousin's paying me a visit tonight and she might stay over so I'd have to clean up a bit."

"Oh," I mumbled before nodding. "Alright, will you just take a cab?"

"Yeah," Emily nodded at me before looking towards Portia and Cristoph. "See you guys soon."

"So, where do you want to eat?" Cristoph asked Portia after Emily left.

"Pizza!" I beamed looping my arms with Cristoph. I then winked at Portia. "Right, Porsh?"

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